TJ’s Club (Hampshire) Ltd Orchard Lea

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About TJ’s Club (Hampshire) Ltd Orchard Lea

Name TJ’s Club (Hampshire) Ltd Orchard Lea
Address Orchard Lea Junior School, Kennedy Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6BJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children greet the club staff enthusiastically as they are collected after school.

Children clearly know the rules and expectations staff have for them as they walk in pairs across to the club base. They safely store their belongings and are eager to explore the resources staff set out. There is an air of calm excitement as children play together after their busy school days.

Older children are caring towards the younger children and invite them to play games and show them how resources work. New children to the club are given a buddy to support them and make their first days easier. Team points and rewards help to motivat...e children to develop positive attitudes to each other and the staff.

Children work collaboratively with each other and behave well. Children's voices and opinions matter. Staff listen to what children say and involve them in making decisions about how the club is run.

Children say they can ask for more resources and choose what snacks they have, for example. They feedback to the inspector that the adults in the club are kind. Children say they enjoy coming to play with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The directors have clear aims for the club. They want children to be happy and for parents to feel their children are safe at the club. This is clearly seen in the purposeful, engaged and settled children, who fully embrace all that the staff offer them.

Parent feedback is very complimentary. Parents report they have great communication from staff and highly recommend the club.Staff know the children they care for well.

They understand what they like to play with and ensure these resources are readily available. Children enthusiastically explore their favourite train set, cooperatively building tracks as they play. Children enjoy playing at the club after their school day.

Staff plan activities to engage children and build on what they are learning at school. Children enjoy making faces on rice cakes, for example discussing healthy eating options. Staff extend children's learning further, talking about similarities and differences during lively conversations.

Children's learning is complemented well.Children enjoy a range of nutritious snacks after school. Staff support children's good health effectively, such as reminding them to wash their hands before eating.

However, staff, at times, complete simple tasks children could manage themselves. This does not fully enhance the development of children's life skills.Children are proud of their achievements.

They confidently tell the inspector about how they can 'do the monkey bars now' after an older child helped them.Children enjoy many opportunities to be physically active after school.Staff place a high focus on children's safety.

They use walkie-talkies to ensure children are safe while still being able to freely choose where to play. Staff complete regular risk assessments to help to minimise hazards and ensure the club resources are safe to play with.Parents say they have a warm welcome from the staff when they arrive to collect their children.

They say staff know their children really well and pick up when things are not quite right. However, not all parents know who their child's key person is. This limits the effectiveness of parents sharing information to help key people meet their children's individual needs.

Staff recruitment is robust. The directors use a safer recruitment process to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. A thorough induction process and ongoing supervisions enable the directors to monitor staff quality effectively.

The directors are forward thinking and reflective of the club, the staff and the service they provide for children and parents. They have clear plans for ongoing improvements to benefit the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The directors ensure all staff have suitable knowledge about safeguarding and child protection. They offer staff regular training to keep their knowledge current. Staff understand their role to keep children safe and promote their well-being at all times.

They know the signs and indicators of possible abuse. Staff are confident to follow reporting procedures if they have any concerns about children's welfare. They know the actions to take if they have concerns about other members of staff.

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