TJ’s Club (Hampshire) LTD

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About TJ’s Club (Hampshire) LTD

Name TJ’s Club (Hampshire) LTD
Address Uplands Primary School, Morshead Crescent, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7QP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff put in place a range of measures to make sure children are safe and to help them feel secure. Staff closely supervise children as they transition from the school day to their time in the club.

Staff enthusiastically welcome the children into the out-of-school provision and know the children well. Prior to starting staff gather all the information they need to meet children's medical and dietary requirements. Staff promote independence.

For example, children are responsible for putting their own belongings away. They independently make their own choices, dependent on their own wants and needs. Children respect each ot...her, for example they ask to play with each other.

Children are confident to ask staff for help and staff are quick to support them. Staff seek out quieter children and encourage them to join in. This helps these children to grow in confidence and make the most out of the activities that are provided.

Staff set up a range of exciting activities. These have been thoroughly planned to support children's interests and development. For example, younger children can play with play dough when older children can create with beads.

This extends their fine motor skills and imaginations. When the children enter the out-of-school provision, they excitedly choose what they would like to do. Some children go straight to play, while others patiently queue to get some food.

Staff encourage children to take turns, which children do with ease. The children respect one another.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The out-of-school provision offers a wide range of activities and these activities enable children to build further on skills they are developing at school.

For example, staff take children into the hall to dance and play group games. Staff want children to be physically active and promote good health. As a result, they put in place measures to ensure children can access the outside area to play energetically throughout the year, including during the months when it gets dark early.

Staff put extra precautions in place to ensure children's safety at all times. For example, writing all the children's names down and having an extra member of staff when going outside. Staff explain how the weather and light does not stop them, as they can use torches when it is dark.

The children's behaviour is good, but the volume is high from the children playing with their friends. However, staff use a range of techniques to gain attention and calm the children down. For example, staff clap repeatedly to a pattern which gains the children's attention instantly.

Children respect the staff and follow the rules.Staff provide a range of healthy foods for children to choose from at teatime. Staff are aware of allergies, dietary requirements, and preferences.

Staff discuss the importance of drinking and eating a balanced diet. Staff encourage children to make good choices regarding their health.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff adapt their interactions to meet the needs of each child. They make sure children are valued. For example, children have access to quieter activities and more staff are available to support them.

Children have opportunities to thrive beyond their school day.There is a very well-structured management team. The leaders do regular supervision meetings and take care of their staff's well-being.

Staff find the management team extremely approachable. Leaders follow safer recruitment processes. This includes a thorough induction process for all staff, to ensure consistency of high standards across all their clubs.

Parents are very pleased that the out-of-school provision is there for their child. They explain how the system is so easy to use and extremely flexible. Their children are very happy and ask to attend the club.

Children feel safe and secure in the provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Uplands Primary School

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