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About Teachsport Extra Time
Teachsport Extra Time
Uplands Cp School, Thompson Road, Stroud, GL5 1TE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are enthusiastic, confident and happy when they greet staff at their classroom door.
They eagerly share with staff and visitors what they have done during the school day as they walk to the hall. Staff are warm, friendly and genuine in their interactions with children. They allow children to lead their own play and have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
Children demonstrate that they feel safe, as they move around the environment with ease. Children behave well and have good friendships with each other. Children choose what they want to do and determine many of the choices made at the club....
Staff provide a safe and enticing play space, both inside and outside, for children to follow their own ideas and interests. Children invite staff to play, and staff demonstrate they value these interactions. This supports children's emotional well-being and self-esteem.
Children choose to be creative, physically active or use the time to relax after a busy day at school. For example, they enthusiastically share with the inspector that they want to create a model using card, pens and glue. Once they begin, they discover some elements of the model do not represent what they want to create.
Staff explain the fun is in the creating, and that they can use their imagination to adapt the character. Once completed, children beam with pride and eagerly seek out the inspector to share what they have made.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff make good use of the spacious hall they use for the club.
Children have designated spaces to be creative and for table-top activities, alongside more active play and exercise. For example, some children choose to demonstrate their gymnastic competence on large floor mats at one end of the hall. Staff offer praise and encouragement as they move, with confidence, around the mats.
Staff remind children how to do this correctly and safely.Staff promote physical exercise and healthy practices very well. Children have ample opportunities to develop new skills and build on existing abilities and interests.
Children enjoy archery, dodge ball, football and a wide range of sporting activities, led by skilled and knowledgeable staff. For example, staff ensure they follow safety measures during archery. Children wait patiently, listen, and follow instructions, 'Pull it back to your ear, aim, stand strong and let go.'
Staff ensure children's health and well-being. They remind children to apply sun cream and remain hydrated by drinking lots of water following physical exercise.Staff are positive role models for children's good behaviour.
When minor conflicts do occur, they encourage children to manage this themselves and consider the consequences of their actions. This builds children's confidence and helps them to learn how to manage their emotions. Consistency between the school and the club ensures that children understand the rules and why they are in place.
The owner and staff build successful partnerships with the host school.The owner ensures that robust recruitment and induction procedures take place to ensure that staff are suitable and understand their roles and responsibilities when they start. Staff complete mandatory training to ensure the safety of children.
For example, paediatric first aid and safeguarding training. This helps to ensure that the provider meets all statutory requirements and children are safe.The owner works hard to gather parents' and children's views on the club.
For example, sending out questionnaires and canvassing parents' views on what they want from an after-school club. He uses this information to adapt and develop the setting further. Parents comment on the good communication, flexibility and activities that are on offer for their children.
Children are eager to share with the inspector how much they enjoy the club. They talk about the kindness of staff and how much fun they have. 'I like it so much, the people are nice, I like what we get out to play with, it is the best club in the world.'
Children talk to the inspector about how staff encourage them to manage risk and be responsible, 'They remind us to keep safe and look out for each other and not forget the rules.'
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.