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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children show they feel special, safe, valued and supported by staff in the nursery.
They have strong, secure bonds with their key person and thrive on specific praise they receive. For example, staff provide children with personalised stickers which celebrate the things they have achieved, such as having a good idea. Children reflect on this with pride throughout the rest of the session and maintain excellent behaviour.
Staff consistently encourage children to be aware of their own safety and personal care needs. Children look in the mirror and recognise they need a tissue. They show staff they can keep the flo...or safe by picking up some role-play outfits.
Staff have high expectations of every child. They work extremely hard to ensure all children are involved and included in learning opportunities. Leaders and managers use funding to enhance environments which enable children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to make excellent progress.
For example, they have braille labels in every area of the room. Staff have accessed specific medical training to enable them to care for children with complex needs. Children are exceptionally well prepared for the future.
Staff challenge them to develop the skills they need to start school and focus on building their resilience, independence and social skills. For example, children support each other to resolve small disagreements and take one another's feelings into consideration.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have an excellent understanding of every child's developmental stage and learning goals, including those who are not in their key group.
Teaching is focused on helping children make the best possible progress while they are engrossed in enjoyable, stimulating activities. For example, staff challenge children to write numerals while they explore painting on plastic film. Children enthusiastically experiment with the brushes and start to mix colours while developing excellent early writing skills and mathematical awareness.
Older children demonstrate excellent communication skills and have an understanding of how to negotiate with their peers to solve problems. Staff offer support as children discuss their feelings about sharing resources and come to an agreed resolution. Children display advanced personal, social and emotional skills for their age.
Staff help children to prepare for life in modern Britain. They use children's play to teach them different life skills. For example, older children play imaginatively in the role-play area.
Staff talk to them about the price of different fruits and they discuss what it means if items are 'cheap' or 'expensive'. This develops their understanding of the world and the language of money.Staff use highly effective ways to gather valuable information from families about children's achievements and experiences.
Children who are new to the nursery benefit from seeing photographs of their family and special celebrations displayed. This helps them to begin to settle in. In addition, staff plan activities which help broaden children's experiences, for example, going on trips in the community and using the leisure facilities to develop physical skills.
Leaders and managers have developed exceptional partnerships with other professionals who work with children. They regularly share targets, achievements and care plans during meetings and ensure parents are actively involved. Staff complete robust risk assessments of the environment to ensure children are kept safe.
Staff are consistently supported to meet children's specific care and learning needs. For example, they have received training to boost children's speech and language skills. They use the techniques to support children to make progress while they wait for specialist support.
This has a huge impact on children's progress and minimises gaps in their learning.Staff are dedicated to helping children develop high levels of independence and confidence. They teach children the importance of good hygiene and healthy choices.
For example, staff accessed training to develop their knowledge of oral hygiene promotion. They support children to brush their teeth daily. Parents are provided with information on the impact of dummies and tooth decay.
Leaders and the staff team show the highest levels of commitment and dedication to supporting children and their families. They strive to maintain excellence and reflect on their practice to drive improvements. Since the last inspection, the team has enhanced partnerships with families.
They have provided a range of activities for them to participate in, such as sports day. This has had an excellent impact on their relationships and enhanced staff's existing knowledge of children's backgrounds.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure staff maintain an excellent understanding of the organisation's procedures and policies for child protection. Staff receive regular training which helps them understand how to report concerns about children or their families swiftly and without delay. Staff have developed highly effective partnerships in the local community and with children's families.
They work together to keep children safe. For example, they discuss how to keep children safe when using technology, online, and in the local area. Children have an excellent understanding of how to manage small risks and have high levels of respect for themselves and others.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.