Tendercubs Preschool and Day Nursery, Woodward road
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About Tendercubs Preschool and Day Nursery, Woodward road
Tendercubs Preschool and Day Nursery, Woodward road
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders and staff work diligently to provide a safe and welcoming childcare provision. Staff are very caring and form strong emotional bonds with children.
They are quick to respond when babies need a reassuring cuddle or toddlers require support to join in. This helps children to settle and feel secure. Staff are respectful to children and have high expectations for their behaviour.
They help them to learn the skills they need to develop friendships and understand the needs of others. Children respond positively to staff's consistent praise and encouragement. They listen to staff, follow the routines and play nicely t...ogether.
Staff implement a broad curriculum to help prepare children for their next stages in learning. As children progress through the nursery, they consistently build on what they know and can do. Older children confidently demonstrate useful skills and knowledge that will support them when they start school.
They are independent with their personal care and communicate well. Staff foster children's love of learning through the things that they enjoy. Therefore, children become highly engaged in the activities that they choose.
For instance, babies focus intently as they post objects into holes or transfer jelly between containers, helping to develop their hand-eye coordination.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are passionate about providing all children with a positive start to their education. They lead an enthusiastic and qualified team that reports feeling supported and valued.
Staff access ongoing professional development to help them keep children safe and enhance their teaching. For example, they describe how training has helped them to support children's mathematical skills in more fun and interesting ways.Staff monitor children's progress closely and quickly identify any gaps in their learning.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Staff provide targeted interventions and ensure that the activities are accessible to all children. They work in partnership with parents and external professionals to give children the right help at the right time.
Children make good progress from their starting points.Overall, staff deliver the curriculum effectively, and children enjoy the experiences that are provided. However, staff do not always consider the abilities of individual children when planning activities.
At times, children are not sufficiently challenged or are unsure of what to do. Therefore, they do not benefit as much as possible from the learning opportunities.There is a strong focus on children's language and literacy across the provision.
Staff choose books carefully to help introduce children to key language and ideas. For example, a book about baby owls explores feelings around being left by parents. It helps children to understand that parents will come back and gives them the language to express how they feel.
Children become confident and effective communicators.Staff value children's individuality and help them to explore what makes them unique. This includes celebrating events that are special to children's families and communities.
Staff read stories and provoke thoughtful conversations, which support children to appreciate their similarities and differences. They encourage children to speak positively about the different colours and textures of their hair, as they play in the pretend hairdressing salon together.Staff support children to lead active and healthy lifestyles.
This includes providing nutritious meals, daily outdoor play and activities to promote good personal hygiene. Children demonstrate a growing awareness of their own health needs during their conversations and imaginative play. For instance, younger children are keen to take care of the dolls.
They pretend to brush the doll's teeth and tell staff that they must also brush their own teeth every day.Staff are consistent in promoting children's positive behaviour. For instance, they remind them about 'golden rules', such as using their quiet 'indoor voices'.
Staff help children to understand the need for boundaries and to express their emotions using words. Children behave well and show kindness towards others.Parents are happy to share their positive views of the provision.
They say their children enjoy attending and develop affectionate bonds with staff. Parents value staff's advice and support, which helps them to continue children's learning at home. They describe children's progress since joining, particularly how their language skills have improved.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to plan and implement activities more effectively so that they are tailored precisely to children's needs and abilities.
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Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.