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About The Children’s Club
The Children’s Club
St Davids C Of E Primary School, Copperas Lane, Haigh, Wigan, WN2 1PA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The staff team have built an engaging environment, which captures children's interests. As children enter the club, they settle quickly and talk about their school day with staff. Children feel happy and safe.
They are eager to join in with their friends for 'games night'. Staff set high expectations for all children. They work closely with the school teachers and provide exciting opportunities for children to build on the skills they have been developing in school.
For example, children practise their counting and number recognition as they confidently throw darts onto the dart board. Staff consistently give praise to chi...ldren. This boosts their self-confidence and encourages children to keep on trying.
Staff are positive role models to children. They gently talk to children about the key rules when entering the club. Children explain the importance of walking inside so they do not fall and hurt themselves.
Staff further support children to manage their own safety. For example, staff support children to hold the darts correctly. Children understand the rules and boundaries of the club.
They are respectful and kind to their friends. For example, children demonstrate the skill to share and take turns. Overall, children's behaviour is good.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff offer children a variety of opportunities to support their emerging decision-making skills. For example, when children enter the club, they confidently take their belongings off and hang them up on their peg. They sign themselves into club.
Children have name cards which they use to show which of the areas they would like to play in. Children are confident in their choices and are developing good independence. skills.
Staff place high priority on children's emotional well-being. Children develop a real sense of belonging. For example, staff have implemented a buddy system to help children who are new to the club settle in.
They build positive relationships with each other and play cooperatively. Children use their name cards in the play areas to establish how many children can join in at one time to keep the area safe. They develop respectful and kind attitudes towards each other.
All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are supported well in the club. There is an effective key-person system in place. Staff liaise closely with the school teacher and parents to maintain continuity in meeting children's needs.
This enables staff to put strategies in place to support children in the club with their speech, language and physical development. Children enjoy the positive experiences at the club, which meets their individual needs.The staff team feel their well-being is supported by the manager.
Additionally, staff have completed mandatory training, such as safeguarding. Staff work well as a team. They hold regular meetings, where they discuss the quality of the provision and how they can continuously improve their practice to offer children a consistently good level of care.
However, the club does not always focus staff professional development sharply enough with supporting staff to attend relevant training courses to enhance their skills even further.The staff team have effective systems in place to evaluate the quality of their provision. This includes the views of children, staff and parents.
Children's views and opinions are shared regularly. In addition, they inform staff of their current interests. This informs the club's planning and encourages children to choose activities they would like to engage in.
Children feel valued at this club.Parents speak highly of the staff and their kind and nurturing attitudes. They say that their children love attending the club.
Parents feel that the communication from staff is effective and they are kept up to date on their child's day. They feel their children are given the opportunity to thrive at the club. Overall, parents feel well supported and are happy with the service the club provides.
The provider failed to notify Ofsted of a change to the nominated individual. However, the director has taken immediate steps to provide Ofsted with the correct information. The new nominated individual is already known to Ofsted and has been deemed suitable, in addition the club has carried out robust vetting processes to ensure that they are suitable.
There has been no impact on children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.