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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are warmly welcomed into this nurturing setting.
They are excited to explore the calm, well organised and inviting environment. Children are pleased to see their friends and eagerly hang their name tags on the self-registration tree. Staff set up the space with children's interests in mind.
Children enjoy using their imaginations in the home corner to feed babies, make dinner and read books. Children have good relationships with staff and feel valued. They join in really well during group times and enjoy sharing their ideas.
Children go to adults for reassurance and to express how they are feeling. St...aff promote children's love of reading throughout the nursery and provide books in all areas. Children benefit from engaging story times.
They have plenty of choice, enjoy choosing stories to read during free play and listen with great attention. Children feel safe and secure and have warm bonds with staff. They benefit from a happy and positive environment with excellent role models.
Children learn how to respect each other and the world around them. They learn to use kind hands, listen to each other and take care of our planet.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum in this setting is a real strength.
Managers and staff have a really clear understanding of what they want children to learn. They provide ambitious experiences that fully engage and motivate children. This means that children are confident and ready for the next stage of education.
Children explore feelings and emotions through stories about monsters. They find out about transport by setting up a London underground, and they buy ingredients to make their own spring rolls.Children's communication and language are supported well.
Children make good progress and are confident communicators. Staff use high-quality language when engaging with children. They repeat and model new vocabulary and encourage children to speak as much as possible.
This helps children to share conversations with their peers and ask adults questions confidently.Children have a wonderful repertoire of songs and thoroughly enjoy joining in with 'hello' songs and familiar favourites. They grow in confidence as they stand up in front of their friends and sing a song of their choice.
Children have positive attitudes towards their learning and are able to concentrate for good periods of time. They maintain attention as they work on their fine motor skills. For example, they use cotton buds to paint small leaves, complete puzzles and write in sand.
Staff support children well with their learning during focused activities. They provide an environment where children can choose activities for themselves.Children experience a sense of achievement when they complete and put their chosen activities away.
Staff monitor and track children's progress well. They find out what children know when they start nursery and build on this to ensure that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, achieve the best possible outcomes.Parents speak highly of how well their children have settled into the nursery and how reassured they felt by the process that met their child's individual needs.
They are pleased with the communication and updates they receive regarding their children's learning and progress. Parents are so happy with the daily feedback and informative newsletter they receive.Children enjoy a large physical gym space where they engage in a range of sports, dance and obstacle courses.
This helps to strengthen their gross motor skills. Children do have opportunities to go outside in the garden. However, staff do not consistently plan these experiences to ensure that children have the best opportunities to explore through purposeful play.
Leaders and managers are passionate and dedicated. They reflect on their strengths and identify improvements to ensure that the quality of care and education is high. Leaders and managers have a clear vision for the setting and high expectations for children's behaviour and the teaching and learning.
They support staff's well-being and performance with regular meetings and supervision sessions.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are able to show their knowledge and understanding about potential signs and indicators of possible child abuse.
Regular team meetings and training sessions ensure that staff remain confident and competent in this area. Staff are aware of risks to children. They demonstrate how they are vigilant in recording and reporting their concerns.
Staff understand how to keep children safe. They use clear risk assessments to support children with transitions.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make better use of the outdoor environment to extend children's learning and strengthen opportunities for exploring more purposefully through play.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.