The Den Out Of School Club

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About The Den Out Of School Club

Name The Den Out Of School Club
Address St Wilfrids Catholic Primary School, Millhouses Lane, Sheffield, S7 2HE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The Den Out Of School Club is full of energy as children excitedly run into play, saying hello to the staff and friends. Children are really happy, supported by staff who are engaging and nurturing. Children independently choose from a wide range of activities.

There is a physical area with activities, such as basketball, tables with Easter crafts or stories. Staff set up activities that take account of children's interests. This supports children when they arrive and they quickly engage in play.

Children feel very safe and secure. There is a culture of respect at the club, as children ask for help or for the staff to play... with them. Staff enthusiastically join in with children's play.

They demonstrate how to play swing ball and create origami animals for the children. Children's behaviour is exemplary, they listen well to the staff. They sit down ready for snack and tell each other to sit nicely as they wait.

Children wait their turn to be called to make choices from a range of healthy snacks. When parents arrive to collect them, children do not want to leave the club, as they are enjoying their free play. Parents are highly complimentary about the service they receive.

They comment on how the staff really know their children. Parents feel secure and they have strong relationships with all staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The club leader has a clear focus on the structure of the club.

He has a strong vision for the children and the impact staff have on children. The club leader continually mentors staff to ensure there is a consistent approach for children. This includes a clear vision of how to interact with children.

Staff are given suggested professional reading to enhance their knowledge. The club leader role models how to engage children and interact effectively .Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are thoroughly supported.

They engage well during their time at the club. Leaders are highly knowledgeable about the needs of the children. They know how to support children with SEND.

Staff ensure that partnerships with parents are strong. Staff make adaptations and support is available at all times.Behaviour is exemplary.

Staff have a consistent approach across the staff team and club. Children feel respected and nurtured. Staff have excellent knowledge of children and how to support any struggles they may have with self-control.

They take swift action, tailored to ensure children can quickly return to play. Staff have introduced club rules which all the children understand. Children follow the routine of the club very well.

Parents are highly complimentary of the service. Staff have excellent partnerships with parents. They work together to support the children at the club.

Parents comment about the excellent support children receive as they move from one setting to another. The club uses older children as buddies for the younger children. This helps children settle quickly into the club.

Staff's well-being is very high, as they feel included in the team. The training available to staff enables them to continue their professional development. Staff commend leaders on how supportive they are to them.

Staff love working at the club. They love getting to know the children and the jobs they undertake within the team. Staff comment on how approachable the leaders are.

Children's voice and opinions are important at the club. They suggest activities for the next time they come and tell staff what they enjoy most. Staff are quick to notice children's feelings and are ready to offer nurture and support as required.

Children love attending the club. They are really happy and excited. They confidently show visitors their crafts and tell them how 'fabulous' the staff are.

Physical play is valued highly at the club. Children have access to an extensive outdoor area for gross motor skills. They enjoy being outside in the fresh air.

Indoor activities includes active play with ride-on cars for younger children.The club has excellent links with the local school. They work in partnership, sharing information as required.

The club continues activities or theme days from the school, to ensure continuity for the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Wild Wilf’s Forest School St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School

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