The Greenwood Pre-School

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About The Greenwood Pre-School

Name The Greenwood Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Winnersh Cp School, Greenwood Grove, Winnersh, WOKINGHAM, Berkshire, RG41 5LH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children flourish at this extremely nurturing pre-school.

They excitedly wave goodbye to their parents and rush into the setting to proudly show their friends and staff their drawings they have completed at home. Children are exceptionally independent for their young age. They enthusiastically work together to find a bucket and collect water from the water butt to wash their cars.

As they carry it, they laugh and giggle and compare it to a bucket full of sawdust, using mathematical language, such as 'heavier' and 'lighter'. Their peers show high levels of perseverance. They eagerly twist lids of spray bottles an...d fill them with water to wash the cars in a different way.

Children consistently show extremely high levels of curiosity and a love of exploring. They express sheer delight when they observe a bee on a flower, and actively discuss how it is collecting nectar to make honey. They quickly find their clip boards and magnifying glasses, and discuss and record other insects they might find.

Staff are excellent role models. They sensitively provide support that helps children learn how to manage their feelings and emotions. For instance, children independently use sand timers as a resource to share their favourite resources.

Children make extraordinary progress. They start school with a wealth of knowledge and skills and a love of learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are unreservedly committed to the curriculum of learning.

Their intention is for children to build resilience and to explore and investigate through first-hand experiences. The exciting, extensive learning activities staff provide create a stimulating atmosphere that ignites children's learning.Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is outstanding.

The highly experienced staff team quickly identify any gaps in children's development. They work exceptionally well with other professionals involved in children's care to ensure all children receive highly effective tailored support. Children make excellent progress and develop into confident individuals with high levels of self-esteem.

The ambitious manager leads the nursery extremely well. She undertakes extensive self-evaluation alongside the board of governors and dedicated staff team to precisely target improvements. Staff praise the excellent support and supervision they receive.

They complete targeted training that enhances their knowledge. This has a positive impact on the quality of their teaching and the excellent progress children make.Parents speak extremely positively about the staff and teaching at the pre-school.

They refer to the extraordinary lengths the staff have gone to in supporting them as a family and meeting their children's individual needs. They say their children have made incredible progress since starting at the pre-school. Excellent initiatives, such as learning resources for children to take home, further strengthen parent relationships.

Staff demonstrate excellent skills in supporting children's developing language and vocabulary. Children demonstrate a wonderful love of books, which they confidently recall through visual aids, props and role play. They are highly imaginative, and discuss and create their own stories as they draw pictures.

Staff consistently listen to children and show a genuine interest in what children have to say.Children take pride in sharing their home cultures and traditions with their friends. They greet their peers in their home languages, which helps to promote a sense of belonging at the setting.

Children look at family photos and genuinely listen to their friends, as they talk about their lives at home. They draw their families and proudly share these with others, demonstrating high levels of confidence and very strong friendships with their peers.Staff promote children's health exceptionally well.

Children access considerable time outdoors in all weathers, providing opportunities for physical development every day. Children build on their stamina and excitedly dig for treasure in the soil. They discuss how they have strong muscles because they eat healthy food.

Children show an excellent understanding of personal safety and tell the inspector they need to wear goggles to protect their eyes. They learn to take safe risks, and show high levels of perseverance as they make their way up rope ladders and climbing walls.Children's mathematical development is superb.

For example, they draw around each other and find tape measures to compare differences in size, using language, such as 'taller' and 'shorter'. Children excitedly record their findings, showing an excellent understanding of written number.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff attend regular safeguarding training and are confident and secure in their safeguarding knowledge. They can recognise a wide range of signs and symptoms of abuse, including risks associated with radicalisation. The child protection systems in place are extremely effective.

All staff fully understand the policies and procedures for raising concerns should they occur. They hold discussions with children about how to stay safe when using digital devices at home. Robust recruitment procedures ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

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