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The Kids Academy, Moulsham School, Princes Road, CHELMSFORD, CM2 9DE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive happy and settle quickly. They have secure relationships with staff and form positive friendships with each other. Children are helpful and complete tasks without prompting.
For example, they tidy up after they complete each activity. Children know the routine and what they will be doing next. They take turns and listen intently to their friends during group times.
They have their own pegs with their photo and name to give them a sense of belonging.Older children are confident communicators. They listen carefully to the phonics song, following the actions and naming the sounds to single words, as they t...ake part in a phonics session.
They then listen for the sound of their name to go and wash their hands in preparation for lunch.Children go on nature walks to collect natural resources. They look at the leaves, intently describing the different colours and markings.
They learn about sustainability, recycling and how to protect the planet. Younger children play with coloured shapes, problem-solving as they skilfully fit the different objects into the right slots on the bus.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Partnerships with parents are strong.
The manager ensures that parents receive regular updates about their children's development and progress. Parents report a high degree of satisfaction with the care and education given to their children.Staff plan their curriculum around the children's interests and learning needs.
They know the children well and know what they need to learn next. Leaders reflect on the effectiveness of the teaching and learning, and support staff to develop their practice. However, this support is not focused enough on ensuring all staff understand the delivery of the curriculum in relation to the different ages of children.
Children are active learners and are eager to become involved in activities. Staff sit closely with children to guide them, while allowing them to make their own choices. Children scope out pumpkins.
They discuss the weight and size of the pumpkins, introducing mathematical concepts.Staff support children's communication and language. They engage children in conversation.
Staff give clear instructions and extend children's vocabulary. For example, they talk about seeds and growing plants. They discuss what plants need to thrive.
Children discuss previous experiences where they have taken part in planting activities. However, there are occasions where staff ask questions but do not give sufficient time for children to answer.Children are becoming independent and they behave well.
Children serve themselves, pour their drinks and wash their hands. They are provided with healthy, nutritious meals and discuss the importance of eating their vegetables. Children are supported well during toilet training.
Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their social skills. They teach children how to be kind to each other. Staff give children opportunities to work together in small or large groups.
However, there are times when staff direct the play, which limits children's opportunities to use their imaginations and be creative.Young children have access to a range of books. Children point to the pictures in the book and say what the object is on each page.
Staff repeat the words back, providing reassurance and building their communication and language development further.Staff are nurturing and caring. They carry out intimate care duties and provide cuddles and reassurance to children when visitors arrive.
Staff stay close to less confident children, helping them feel safe and secure. This further supports their well-being.The manager regularly reflects on the provision, recognising where their strengths and weaknesses are.
She has recently updated the nursery's policies and procedures and is in the process of embedding these across the nursery.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have an understanding of safeguarding and how to keep children safe.
They are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and the local risks in their community. The manager has a good recruitment procedure and ensures all new staff have an induction. Staff are aware of how to report a concern about a colleague's behaviour.
Staff attend regular meetings, which help to support their safeguarding knowledge and ensure it is up to date. The manager carries out regular risk assessments of the environment to minimise risks and maintain the children's safety.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff practice to enable them to plan and provide activities that support children's imagination and creativity focus further on children's language development, allowing time for children to respond, and support staff to identify opportunities where language can be extended nimprove the monitoring of staff practice to develop their knowledge and understanding of how children learn, so that all children benefit from a consistently high-quality learning experience.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.