The Mall Nursery

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About The Mall Nursery

Name The Mall Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Mall School, 84 Hampton Road, Twickenham, TW2 5QS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority RichmonduponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The Mall Nursery is a thriving place where children flourish. The management team and staff are highly dedicated to the nursery's success. They have created a friendly and stimulating environment, where every child feels welcomed.

The interactions between staff and children are consistently high. Staff are particularly attentive to children's care needs and unique personalities. They organise daily routines, such as mealtimes, to effectively accommodate children's individual requirements.

This supports children's well-being in the best possible way. Staff employ successful strategies to engage all parents in children's learning. One of the nursery's main strengths is carefully planning the transitions from home to nursery and between nursery rooms.

This approach promotes a strong sense of stability and confidence in children. Parents overwhelmingly agree that their children are happy to attend this nursery. The staff's rich curriculum offers children engaging and challenging experiences.

Staff help children become competent communicators and develop excellent language abilities. Children learn to express themselves with clarity and impressive imaginations. The safety of the children is a top priority for all staff.

Children show high levels of motivation. They play well together and their behaviour is superb. Children are exceptionally well-prepared for school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team consists of dedicated professionals who are highly skilled in caring for and educating young children. They have excellent knowledge of the community they serve and tailor their curriculum to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. The management team takes great pride in their staff's resilience and how they share high expectations for each child.

Staff have detailed knowledge of all children. After training, they learned how to make precise observations and assessments of children's progress. Any gaps in children's learning, such as speech delays, are promptly identified and addressed.

This benefits children very well, including those who are vulnerable and bilingual learners.Partnerships with parents are exceptional. Parents unanimously praise the nursery, noting that their children 'thrive here compared to other childcare settings they have attended'.

They highlight significant progress in their children's confidence, behaviour and independence skills. Newer parents also appreciate that staff do everything possible to help their children settle in with their key person.Partnerships with external professionals are superb.

The management team works closely with the local primary school to ensure children receive the best care and education. Children are highly well-prepared for their eventual move to school.Staff plan rich learning experiences for children.

These include various outings and extra-curricular activities, such as swimming lessons. Children learn other languages, including Greek and Spanish, to enrich their appreciation of diversity. This provides children with broader learning experiences, some of which they might not have otherwise.

The management team develops excellent improvement plans, considering the views of parents and children. They introduce plenty of initiatives, such as Year 6 children reading books to nursery children. This mutually benefits all children, including strengthening their literacy skills.

The management team continues to evaluate the already exciting learning opportunities to enhance children's growing physical skills.Children become deeply absorbed in their play and learning. For example, babies sing and dance along to nursery songs, showing infectious excitement.

Toddlers use impressive fine motor skills as they use scissors competently. Pre-school children remember characters in a story and can retell what will happen next. During activities, they display impressive knowledge of mathematical concepts, such as weight and capacity.

Staff create a stimulating outdoor environment that supports children in all areas of learning. For example, older children have a wonderful time making 'potion chocolate drinks'. They work happily together and show significant consideration for each other's wishes.

Children show excellent behaviour.Staff consistently report high levels of support for their professional development and well-being. They are knowledgeable about emergency procedures and respond quickly and decisively.

This enables them to protect children to the best of their ability.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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