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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive happy and excited to learn. Children have developed secure attachments with their key person and other staff, helping them to settle quickly. They make their way into the well-organised environment and confidently access the resources they wish to explore.
Children happily share information with others about their families and the things they like most at the setting. Younger children engage in non-verbal exchanges with adults. For example, they show adults the resources they are exploring and wait for a response before moving on.
Children enjoy looking at books and confidently share their favourite boo...ks with other children and adults. They remember and retell parts from their favourite stories. Children create ice creams and cupcakes using play dough.
Those who are less confident take their time to explore the activity and then proudly share the cupcakes they have made with others. Children behave well most of the time. They can, at times, lose interest in activities and need support to focus their attention.
The outdoor area has recently been improved to support the most disadvantaged children to succeed, promoting children's understanding of the world and their physical development. For example, children enjoy trying out and practising different yoga poses with the support of adults.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The setting kept in contact with parents during a period of closure due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Upon returning to the setting, children were given time to settle back in. Parents are happy with how their children were supported to return. The setting keeps parents updated on the things their children like to do while they are with them.
Leaders and the staff are clear about their curriculum and what they want children to learn. Staff are aware of the progress children are making and the areas to focus on in order to support their development further. Staff use sand timers to support younger children with transitions and turn taking.
Older children are learning to form letters and are preparing for the next stage in their learning.The setting supports a number of children who are learning English as an additional language. They work with parents to make sure that they understand children's needs and interests.
The setting works well with other professionals to ensure that children's individual needs, including their health and welfare, are promoted.Staff understand what they are teaching children and they are creative in the way they do this. They support children's learning with a range of activities, listening and responding to children's interests.
For example, children use their fingers or sticks to write letters in dry flour. Staff respond to children when they request to add water to the flour to see if it makes dough.Staff are not always able to respond to children's behaviour in a timely way and their approach to managing behaviour can differ across the setting.
This can disrupt other children, impacting their learning as well as children's understanding of how to conduct themselves.Children's independence is well promoted and encouraged. For example, they are encouraged to put their own shoes on to go outside.
They have to ask for the gate to be opened to access the toilet. However, they independently go to the toilet and know to wash their hands afterwards. Staff offer children mirrors to support them with self-care, such as wiping their nose.
Leaders offer a training programme for all staff to develop professionally and endeavour to have a spread of experience and skills across the setting. However, at times, staff's skills and experience do not always fully support the aims of the curriculum, resulting in children losing attention and focus.Leaders have worked hard to support the staff team in their roles, providing them with ongoing, meaningful supervision.
Staff feel well supported by the management team and they are all clear on their roles and responsibilities. Leaders regularly meet with staff to share good practice, discuss targets, and ensure staff's well-being is supported.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The designated safeguarding lead and staff understand their roles and responsibilities well. They are confident about how to identify signs of abuse and their responsibility to respond to any concerns they may have, including whistle-blowing. Leaders follow robust recruitment procedures.
These include assessing staff's ongoing suitability to work with children. Accidents and incidents are monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure children's well-being is supported and the environment remains safe for all children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further develop staff's expectations of children's behaviour to ensure behaviour management is embedded fairly and consistently across the provision review and improve the deployment of staff to ensure their skills and experience fully support the implementation of the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.