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4a Teasdale Street, Consett, County Durham, DH8 6AF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
There have been significant changes to management since the last inspection. This has had a positive impact on the quality of care and education provided.
Children arrive happily at this nursery and separate from carers with ease. Staff are responsive to children. There are noticeable warm and affectionate relationships between staff and children.
Children are eager to join in with the array of exciting activities on offer to them. They show a love for imaginative play as they invite the visitor into the home area, pretending to wash and dry her hair and apply makeup. They enjoy exploring different ways to make marks, ...using their fingers to create patterns in the flour and paint.
Children enjoy singing songs and listening to stories. Staff read stories that children love and know very well. They leave gaps for children to say the word that comes next.
Children enjoy experimenting as they mix paint, and they begin to recognise how the colours change with each new ingredient added.Children thoroughly enjoy their time in the outdoor area. Staff join them to play hide and seek.
Children delight as they count, run and hide. They develop their confidence and coordination as they kick balls, balance on stepping stones and learn new skills, such as pedalling the tricycle.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The new manager and provider have a positive attitude towards continuous improvement and have taken action to address previous weaknesses.
They have recruited an enthusiastic staff team that has engaged in targeted training to ensure that it is fully aware of the procedures to follow to report concerns about a child or colleague.The management team has designed a well-sequenced curriculum that helps children to gradually gain knowledge and skills over time. Staff share their vision and implement the curriculum successfully by providing purposeful learning opportunities.
This helps children to become well prepared for the next stage in their learning.Staff know and value every child. From the very start, they ensure that they understand each child's needs.
With patience, staff show children how to do things so that they become increasingly independent over time. Staff carry out regular assessments of children's development. They use this information to identify gaps in children's learning, which are swiftly addressed.
This helps to ensure that all children are well supported to make progress in their learning and development.Overall, staff model language effectively, introducing children to a wide range of vocabulary, which supports their good communication and language development. However, at times, staff do not always question children in a way that allows them time to respond and engage in conversations using the sentence structures they are learning.
Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. New children to the nursery approach staff for cuddles and reassurance, and staff respond with warmth and kindness. Staff model how to use good manners, share and take turns.
Children quickly respond by showing the desired behaviour themselves. Staff establish important routines that show children what is expected and how to behave.Children's health and well-being are supported well.
Children spend lots of time outdoors in the fresh air. Dietary needs are known and catered for. Children benefit from healthy and nutritious meals and snacks.
They rest and sleep according to their needs and individual routines. Staff regularly check children while they sleep to ensure that they remain safe.Staff receive high levels of support from the manager.
They receive thorough induction training when they start employment. This helps them to understand their roles and responsibilities, including how to keep children safe. The manager monitors performance closely.
She has a supportive nature and provides regular supervision and training opportunities for all staff to help raise the quality of their practice further.Parents are happy with the nursery and specifically comment on the good communication from staff at collection time and the information they receive online. They comment positively on the vast improvements made since the last inspection and express how happy their children are attending.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to consider different ways of questioning children that give them time to respond and engage in conversations using the sentence structures they are learning.