The Organic Explorers

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About The Organic Explorers

Name The Organic Explorers
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Sixth Form College Solihull, Widney Manor Road, Solihull, B91 3WR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff in the pre-school room have a deep knowledge of the children's interests and next steps in learning. They use this information exceptionally well to provide a wealth of experiences that engage children and help them to make excellent progress. They have the highest expectations for all children, who flourish in this inclusive environment.

For example, children are clearly inspired and work extremely well together as they paint a box and create a monster. Children skilfully use scissors and adhesive tape, and they are supported by staff to discuss their ideas.The remaining staff across the nursery plan motivating learning ...experiences with clear learning intentions.

These are linked to children's interests to help them to make good progress over time. For example, staff in the baby room gently encourage babies to use their senses to explore the cornflour and food ingredients. Babies show high levels of engagement and enjoy the back-and-forth interactions with staff.

Equally, children in the toddler room are intrigued by the activities on offer. For example, staff help children to explore the lentils and paint. They describe the sounds the staff make with various items, such as a brush, as they think about the fireworks they heard over the weekend.

All staff build close relationships with their assigned key children and prioritise supporting their emotional well-being. For example, children have access to sensory relaxation areas in their rooms and outdoors, which are used to help them regulate their emotions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team ensures staff deliver a curriculum that is centred on children's interests and gives them the freedom to play and be imaginative.

This flexible curriculum also incorporates the book of the week, which staff use successfully to plan activities and inspire children to learn. Staff in the pre-school room are exceptionally skilled in providing a sense of awe and wonder through the activities they provide. This helps to ignite children's curiosity and promote their learning across all areas.

Staff work closely with parents to swiftly identify any children who may need additional intervention, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. For example, staff in the pre-school room have a deep knowledge of children's unique personalities and needs, and inclusiveness is at the centre of their practice. Any additional funding received for children is used wisely to provide additional staff to help keep children safe and promote their education.

There is a strong commitment to valuing parents and including them in their children's learning. Parents are extremely complimentary about the nursery. They are impressed by the nurturing approach adopted by staff and the level of information they receive about their children's progress.

They value the support and ideas they receive on how to extend their children's learning at home. Staff use a range of creative strategies to strengthen the links between home and nursery. For example, the lending library is popular with parents, and children are eager to take the travelling bear home, which promotes discussion when it is returned.

The programme for understanding the world is strong. The forest school area and allotment are used well by staff to help children learn about living things, life cycles and the changing seasons. Staff plan opportunities for children to learn about their local community, such as regularly visiting the elderly residential home and through visits from the uniformed services.

There is a clear focus on children learning about their similarities and differences and learning to respect each other. Staff value the various languages spoken at home by children. They work with parents effectively to support any children who speak English as an additional language to make good progress from their staring points.

The well qualified and knowledgeable leadership team regularly consults with parents and reviews the care and education provided to extend its practice. Staff benefit from regular supervision sessions and training and monitoring, and they are positive about the support they receive. However, the management team does not identify precisely with each member of staff how it can further raise the quality of their teaching to the highest level.

Staff sensitively interact with children during their play and prioritise promoting children's language during their interactions. For example, staff introduce a rich range of vocabulary and use songs during the daily routine and activities. However, staff in the toddler room do not consistently encourage the least vocal children to increase their confidence and speak during group activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide incisive professional development opportunities for staff to help raise the quality of teaching to the highest level across the nursery support staff in the toddler room to consistently encourage the least vocal children to increase their confidence and speak during group activities.

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