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About The Pirate Club
The Pirate Club
Compton C of E Primary School, School Road, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 6QU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The club is a valued part of the school community.
The experienced team, some of whom also work with children in the school, provide a safe and inclusive club for children to unwind after their busy day at school. A key strength of the club is the first-rate attention staff place on promoting children's emotional well-being to the highest level. The friendly and welcoming staff team know the children exceptionally well.
All children benefit from individual attention, which meets their needs very well. There is a happy buzz of excitement as children arrive, eager to spend time with their friends. Staff provide a wide range ...of well-planned activities that successfully capture children's attention and contribute to their overall enjoyment.
Popular choices include baking and creative arts activities. Children relish the opportunities to play with their friends, citing team games, such as cricket and football, as firm favourites. Staff use every opportunity for the children to be physically active in the fresh air.
Children challenge their developing physical skills as they scale the climbing equipment, showing a good understanding of the rules. Staff promote children's sense of adventure as they explore the tree-lined bank and explore nature. Staff act as commendable role models.
They set high expectations for children's behaviour. Children's behaviour is exemplary. They know the routine and what is expected of them.
Children treat each other with kindness, empathy and respect. Staff place a high priority on acting on children's views and opinions. They successfully gather feedback through activities, such as the club committee.
Children say they love coming to the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The passionate and dedicated provider offers exceptional leadership to the team. She inspires the team to offer the best-quality care, providing effective mentorship and expert guidance.
Recruitment of new staff is robust. Staff access a wide range of training to support their ongoing development. Overall, a strong sense of teamwork is evident, with staff utilising their individual skills well.
For example, staff assist in sports activities, while other team members are on hand to help with homework.Staff maintain a safe and secure environment. They promote a proactive approach to risk assessment and support children to assess and minimise risks for themselves.
For example, staff provide children with useful guidance on how to stay safe online or when using media enabled devices. Staff follow meticulous hygiene procedures. Effective staff deployment ensures children are supervised and children's safety is assured.
Staff support children to become active and responsible members of the club. Children learn about being responsible citizens in their community through activities, such as litter picking. Children's efforts are acknowledged positively by staff.
For example, children are rewarded with an ice lolly on a hot day, after their excellent team effort to tidy away the toys.Staff promote children's understanding of healthy lifestyles effectively. They provide a varied range of healthy and tasty snacks.
Children relish the opportunity to break from their busy afternoon to join in 'five-o' clock fruit' time. They benefit from special requests at snack time, such as watermelon. Staff meet children's health needs well.
Parents and carers are overwhelming positive in their reviews and speak very highly about the caring staff team. Parents are impressed with the wide range of activities that children take part in at the club. Staff provide parents and carers with good levels of information about the service.
They respond positively to feedback and implement useful changes as a result The provider has developed effective partnerships with the host school. There is a cohesive approach that supports the care of children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Additionally, the provider has developed strong links with local secondary schools and voluntary organisations.
She provides a range of development opportunities for young people in the community, including work experience placements, to further their future careers in teaching.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.