The Shore Pre-School

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About The Shore Pre-School

Name The Shore Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Shore Pre School, Foxcott Close, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 9JQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are very warmly welcomed by the attentive staff into a very safe and nurturing environment. They separate from their adults with extreme ease, demonstrating exceptional relationships to their key person. Children are highly motivated and eager to join in.

They confidently choose from an abundance of highly stimulating resources and activities that support their achievements very successfully. Practitioners are expert at supporting children's communication and language skills. They use sign language, model the use of language superbly, ask challenging questions and wonder aloud, encouraging children to think and ...offer ideas.

Children listen attentively and speak articulately. For example, during circle time, they tell practitioners about their favourite part of the day. Children talk about making Christmas decorations out of salt dough.

They accurately recall which tools they used and how the dough must be cooked before their decorations will be ready. Practitioners have high expectations of all children, who show exemplary behaviour and high levels of self-regulation. They help children learn about the impact of their actions on others, which is strongly embedded.

For example, children who want the same toy negotiate confidently with each other to take turns. Practitioners use the exceptional outdoor provision regardless of the weather. Children eagerly dress in waterproof clothing and wellingtons before heading into the garden.

Practitioners enthusiastically join in with jumping in puddles with children. Older children learn about 'deep' and 'shallow' as they find smaller puddles for the younger children to splash in. Children are highly independent.

For instance, at snack time, children skilfully and safely cut their own cheese and spread butter on their crackers.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Practitioners go above and beyond for the families of the children who attend. They are highly effective in building strong relationships with parents.

Parents talk of the first-class help they receive. They explain that they feel listened to and able to ask for help when they need it. Practitioners ensure any support needed is quickly implemented.

For example, practitioners provide practical help to families to ensure all children can regularly attend pre-school.Children make rapid progress. They are well prepared for their eventual transition to school.

Practitioners immediately identify and address any gaps in learning and development. For example, children who have limited access to outdoor spaces, play frequently on the extensive outdoor equipment. This quickly strengthens children's large-muscle skills, coordination and balance.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs met quickly and effectively. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) works tirelessly to help children make excellent progress and achieve the best possible outcomes. The SENCO works closely with practitioners and outside agencies, such as speech and language therapists, to put strategies in place to support children's learning.

For example, practitioners use pictures with children to help them communicate.The acting manager is very passionate about her role, the setting and her team. The management team has a clear and ambitious vision for the setting.

They work together to create a team that feels like family and they are incredibly dedicated. The management team is continuously evaluating and adapting practice and the setting.The management team ensures that practitioners' well-being is given the highest priority.

Practitioners speak highly of the support they receive from the management team. Practitioners' workloads are managed effectively by the acting manager. She also regularly recognises and values their achievements.

Practitioners regularly access training that helps to maintain and extend their already excellent skills. Practitioners use new knowledge to enhance the experiences children have. For example, staff use their forest-school training to create a rope course for children.

This provides children with an opportunity to build their strength and develop high levels of resilience.Practitioners consistently embed mathematics in play and the routine. For example, they talk about 'whole' peppers and 'halves' at snack time.

Children are extremely confident in their mathematical knowledge. Younger children fill and scoop different resources in the messy trays. They talk about needing 'more' and 'less' of the 'reindeer food' as they scoop.

Children build towers with cubes and talk about the shapes they have made.Children's literacy skills are developing extremely well. Practitioners nurture a love of reading in children.

Children independently access books and are keen for practitioners to read to them. Children join in enthusiastically with repeated phrases from favourite books. Children hear the 'story of the week' each day.

This helps enhance children's understanding of rhyme and rhythm. Early writing skills are fully developed through the provision of stimulating resources. For instance, children use a magnetic writing board to make marks.

They excitedly show their key person the marks and letter formations they have made with the magnetic pens.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All practitioners demonstrate an excellent knowledge of signs and symptoms of abuse.

They have a secure understanding of the risks of radicalisation. Practitioners know how to record and report concerns. Practitioners effectively teach internet safety to children and their families.

The acting manager demonstrates a thorough knowledge of safeguarding. She understands her role and responsibilities in keeping children safe. The management team is vigilant and works extremely well with other agencies to support children and their families.

Practitioners are familiar with whistle-blowing procedures. They know who to contact when a concern against a member of staff is raised. The provider has an excellent knowledge of safe recruitment and has very robust methods to check staff's suitability.

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