The Valley Kids Club at Cloverhill Primary

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About The Valley Kids Club at Cloverhill Primary

Name The Valley Kids Club at Cloverhill Primary
Address Clover Hill Community Primary School, Glenhurst Drive, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE16 5SJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gateshead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children feel safe and secure and enjoy their time at the club.

They happily greet staff and talk about their day as they arrive. Children understand the club's routines and follow staff's directions well. For example, as children arrive, they place their belongings away and sit down for snack.

Children behave well; they listen to staff and are kind and courteous to each other. Older children support younger children to join in and help them to overcome challenges. Children engage well with the range of activities on offer.

They demonstrate positive attitudes towards their play. Children enjoy making decisions abo...ut which resources to select and learn how to use equipment safely. Children think imaginatively while they create firework models, enjoying colouring, sticking and cutting.

There are many opportunities for children to develop their creative skills. Children develop their small-muscle skills while drawing and using scissors to cut out their designs. Outside, children enjoy being physically active.

They have many opportunities to develop good large-motor skills while balancing and climbing on equipment. Children show pleasure at learning to take measured risks. They relish the praise and encouragement they receive from staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff create a calm and welcoming environment, where children's ideas and contributions are valued. They encourage children to make decisions about their learning and follow their interests closely. Children thoroughly enjoy their time in the club and develop their sense of self.

Children's communication and language skills are well supported by staff. They listen attentively and promote meaningful conversations. Children communicate well; they give detailed descriptions of their ideas and experiences.

For example, children talk about the techniques they use to mould the play dough and staff model new vocabulary, such as 'pinch, roll' and 'carve'.Staff have developed strong partnerships with the feeder schools. They gather information about children's interests and their current needs, so that they can support them effectively.

Staff also adopt shared strategies, to ensure that children's individual care needs and personal development requirements are met.Staff provide children with experiences that complement their learning in school. For example, children learn about shapes and colours as they create their own firework pictures, ready for Bonfire Night.

Staff support children to learn new mathematical vocabulary, such as 'triangle, square' and 'circle'.Staff know children well and use this knowledge to plan activities that are linked closely to children's current interests. Staff make sure that the play resources and experiences motivate and interest children, helping them to become engrossed in what they are doing.

Children develop strong relationships with their designated key person, who offer children tailored support to help them feel happy and settled.The club is committed to inclusion. All children experience happiness and enjoyment, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

They are able to actively participate in activities as a result of the skilled support of staff and adaptations made. As a result, all children are fully included.Snack time is a social occasion, during which children chat to their friends.

Staff talk to children about how to be healthy and strong. They provide healthy and nutritious snacks and meals, taking into consideration children's special dietary requirements, preferences and allergies.The manager and staff have established effective partnerships with parents.

They use feedback to enhance the services provided. Parents comment that their children love attending the club and often want to stay for longer. They are provided with daily updates, so that they know what their children have been doing.

The manager and staff are a very close team and work effectively together to enable the club to run efficiently. The manager evaluates the club well and identifies areas to develop. She offers ongoing support to staff through regular supervision meetings and yearly appraisals.

Such meetings are used to help staff to reflect on their practice, identify areas for development and any associated training needs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of safeguarding practices and how to keep children safe in their care.

They are knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms that might indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff confidently talk about what steps to take if they have a concern. Staff complete regular safeguarding training to ensure that their knowledge is current.

Staff carry out regular risk assessments and supervise children well. They talk to children about safe practices and encourage them to manage risks effectively. The manager undertakes robust recruitment procedures to determine the suitability of new staff.

Also at this postcode
Clover Hill Community Primary School

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