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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children flourish in this remarkable nursery.
They are greeted with smiles and enthusiasm by the staff with whom they have developed warm, trusting relationships. Children demonstrate extremely positive attitudes to learning. They engage with awe and wonder in the activities that have been thoughtfully planned for them to follow their interests.
Staff adeptly play alongside children, engaging them in deep and purposeful conversations that effectively support their language development. For example, when exploring minibeast habitats, staff introduce and model new words like 'insect' and 'life cycle' to extend chi...ldren's vocabulary as well as develop their understanding of the natural world. Children relish playing and learning outside in an area that is expertly planned and skilfully resourced to support their individual learning needs.
Children develop important physical skills as they climb, run and navigate their way along narrow balance beams. They smile and jump in the air excitedly after successfully manoeuvring their way along stepping stones. Children are proud of their achievements.
Staff are excellent role models and children receive praise and encouragement for all their efforts and accomplishments. Staff have established clear routines. They teach children how to behave extremely well.
As a result, the way children conduct themselves is exemplary. Children are consistently considerate and polite towards their peers. They demonstrate high levels of independence and responsibility.
Children enjoy taking on roles or duties within the nursery that are implemented effectively to support their personal development. For example, they lay the table with cups and plates, serve fruit to their peers and use the tambourine to lead the singing of the 'super manners' song at snack time.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The inspirational manager and her dedicated team have a strong vision of what they want children to learn.
This masterfully underpins the exciting, play-based curriculum that they have designed to reflect children's developmental needs and personal interests. The curriculum is skilfully planned to ensure that children have vast opportunities to practise and embed each step of their learning across all areas of the provision.Managers and staff ensure that their provision has a clear focus on developing children's communication and language skills.
Staff are highly skilled at modelling language to support and extend children's vocabulary. They consistently use stories, songs and rhymes to expertly support this area of learning. They consistently practise new words so that children know how to use these accurately.
For example, children rehearse the words 'soft', 'cold', 'crunchy' and 'hard' when using their senses to describe how things feel.The key-person system is highly effective. Staff know all the children extremely well and they work closely together to plan for their learning.
They expertly consider each child's needs, interests and abilities and they plan a variety of innovative experiences to enhance children's learning. Staff are skilful in their approach and adept at adapting their practice to support or extend children's learning. For example, when children make models of minibeasts, staff encourage children to problem-solve and think critically about their learning.
They ask children to consider which materials they will choose to make the wings and legs for their model and how they will attach them to the body.The special educational needs coordinator is passionate about obtaining the best possible support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). She works extremely closely with parents, staff and external professionals to cohesively plan how they will support children's development.
Children with SEND are supported exceptionally well within the nursery and make excellent progress as a result.Staff teach children about healthy lifestyles and choices exceptionally well. Children happily eat healthy foods at snack times, and they independently drink from a water station when needed.
Staff talk to children consistently about how the foods they eat are good for them. Children learn about good oral health; they learn how to clean their teeth and they have important opportunities to practise these skills. Children greatly enjoy active learning and staff plan extensive learning opportunities for children to develop important physical skills, such as participating in yoga lessons and outdoor forest-school activities.
Staff have an excellent understanding of the skills that children need to learn before starting school. Staff are passionate about ensuring that children are well prepared with the skills they need to be independent, resilient and confident to do things for themselves. As a result, children are exceptionally well prepared for their transition to school.
The manager has extremely high expectations for her staff. Staff feel that their welfare is given important consideration and is supported effectively by the manager. Staff feel extremely valued.
Regular staff meetings and training opportunities ensure that every member of staff is continually developing their practice. Staff share aspects of training that they have attended with other staff members to embed these new skills and knowledge across the nursery.Parents speak exceptionally highly of the nursery.
Staff form excellent partnerships with parents. They take time to really get to know each family well and regularly share information about children's progress. Parents are fully involved in their children's learning and are supported to continue this at home.
Parents state that children, including those with SEND, feel happy, safe and secure at this nursery and that they make exceptional progress in their learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.