Thomas A Becket Childcare Club

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About Thomas A Becket Childcare Club

Name Thomas A Becket Childcare Club
Address Thomas A Becket First School, Pelham Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 1JB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time in this large but very well-organised club.

They know the clear routines, quickly hang up their bags when they arrive and begin a quiet activity such as a puzzle. They are eager to see if the club's butterflies have hatched. When they have all arrived, children confidently answer their names to check the register.

They listen carefully as the manager reminds them of club rules and explains the exciting activities available. For example, on the day of the inspection, the butterflies were carefully released outside. Children happily followed them around the garden and discussed whether th...ey would come back.

Children enjoy the freedom to play outside or relax indoors with activities such as drawing or card games on the sofa. They help each other and concentrate well as they make models with construction materials. Children have a great deal of fun in this safe environment.

Children benefit greatly from the thoughtful attention given by staff, who show care and concern for each child. Children who have had a challenging day at school are given time to talk about it. The youngest children have additional support, when needed, to give them the confidence to join in with play.

Children form strong bonds with staff, who listen carefully to them and respond quickly to meet children's needs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children well and genuinely enjoy spending time with them. They encourage conversation.

Children happily chat about their activities. Staff follow children's lead in their chosen activity and sensitively join in with their play. For example, staff demonstrate how to use large wands to blow bubbles in the garden.

They support younger children to have a go. Children excitedly chase the bubbles.The manager and staff have clear expectations of children's behaviour.

Children listen carefully and follow staff instructions easily. Staff model kindness and respect for others. They consistently use a range of positive behaviour management strategies.

For example, children earn reward points for good behaviour. Staff display examples of children's helpful behaviour as reminders. They boost children's confidence with consistent praise for their achievements and effort.

Children take turns and play very well together.Staff promote children's independence. Children help to prepare their snack and clear away afterwards.

They find their own sun cream and hats to go in the garden. Children choose freely between daily activities. They are encouraged to vote for their favourite activity and help to plan for the half term ahead.

This helps to ensure that activities match children's interests and encourages their sense of belonging to the club.The manager and staff help children to have a healthy lifestyle. Children have fresh air and exercise playing ball games on the field, for example.

They know they need to wash their hands to remove germs before eating. Children are encouraged to learn about healthy food and eat snacks that include fruit. The manager plans to research ways to enhance the food choices available for snacks and will ask for parents' views.

The manager and staff work together as a strong team, changing roles when needed, to ensure that the children are consistently supported. The club manager and staff are well supported by the area manager of the company, who actively promotes their well-being. The knowledgeable manager and experienced staff say they are happy in their work.

This helps to provide a happy environment for the children.Regular staff meetings and professional conversations enable staff to discuss practice issues and suggest improvements to benefit the children. However, the manager, together with the area manager, intends to evaluate all aspects of the club and monitor targets set for staff more often.

This will help ensure that the club and staff are constantly improving.Parents talk about how the staff are 'fantastic', 'caring' and 'nurturing'. They describe how much their children enjoy the club and the very good range of activities.

Parents greatly value the convenience of having a school-based club and know their children are safe and well cared for. The manager and staff maintain a good relationship with staff in the host school. This enables ongoing information sharing that helps to ensure continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff complete regular safeguarding training. They have a good understanding of what to do if they have a concern about a child's welfare or the behaviour of a colleague.

The procedures to follow are clear. Staff are first-aid trained and know what to do in a medical emergency. Staff keep accurate attendance records, including children's arrival and departure times, so that the number of children present is always known.

Staff remind children at the daily meeting of the emergency procedures. Children know how to exit the building quickly and safely in case of fire or a serious incident. The premises are well-maintained, safe and secure.

Also at this postcode
Thomas A Becket Infant School

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