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About Thrive Together C.I.C
Thrive Together C.I.C
Telegraph Hill Centre Group, Kitto Road, LONDON, SE14 5TY
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are very eager to meet staff and discuss their day. They have warm and welcoming relationships with staff, who know them very well. Children excitedly greet their friends and are excited to get started on the variety of interesting activities on offer.
Staff promote good hygiene skills. For example, they encourage children to wash their hands when they arrive and also throughout the day. This helps to promote children's good self-care skills.
Staff plan activities around children's interests. Older children concentrate as they explore different shaped magnets. They freely access resources to problem solve and furt...her develop their ideas.
This supports children's science and mathematical skills. Younger children enjoy imaginative play in the role-play cafe. They communicate to one another and share ideas.
Staff happily join in children's play, such as when children invite them to make pizza out of play dough.Staff have high expectations which help children to behave well. They praise children's efforts in a positive and respectful manner.
This gives children a sense of achievement and helps to develop their confidence and self-esteem. Children know the routine well. For example, they help to hand out the plates and cutlery, and clean the table afterwards.
Children and staff socialise while eating together, making it an enjoyable experience. They chat about healthy eating, including how foods with fibre helps their bodies' digestion.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff have a clear vision for the club.
They are highly motivated and provide a good experience for all children. Staff work closely together as a team to create a safe and inclusive environment. They seek the views of children and parents when evaluating the club and act on them.
This helps staff to make improvements and provide a high-quality service. For example, children plan the weekly menu. Staff propose to develop this further and plan to involve children in cooking the food for mealtimes.
Parents speak very highly of the club. They feel listened to as staff are very approachable and any issues are resolved quickly. Staff share information effectively, such as through regular updates on a digital app.
This supports parents to view photos of the activities their children enjoy at the club.Managers place a great importance on self-evaluation. They regularly observe staff's performance and give supportive suggestions for improvement.
Staff attend regular training, which helps to enhance their skills and knowledge.Staff reinforce and complement children's early literacy and mathematical skills in fun ways. For example, children play letter sound games and multiplication quizzes as they engage in construction activities.
Staff help children to understand and have respect for different faiths and beliefs. For instance, children enjoy creating a life-sized dragon at Lunar New Year and learn to make origami swans.Staff consider potential risks well and minimise them wherever possible.
Children are well supervised when playing inside and outdoors. Staff take children's safety very seriously and conduct regular risk assessments daily.Children enjoy being active and have plenty of opportunities to develop their physical skills.
They have access to a well-equipped outdoor play space which leads out onto a park with lots of sports facilities. The garden has a large canopy to protect children from different weather conditions so they can use it all year round. Staff have planned other parts of the space to include a nature area for children to observe minibeasts, as well as a growing patch to teach children about growing healthy fruit and vegetables.
Children develop strong trusting relationships with their key person, who provides specific support for their individual needs. For example, key persons support new children to develop their confidence to join in with activities and make new friends. Staff carefully plan activities to gradually meet individual children's needs.
The induction and supervision procedures for new staff are effective. All staff have a secure knowledge of child protection issues, including the signs and symptoms of abuse. This is consistent across the staff team.
The manager ensures that induction procedures enable staff to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.