Time Out Childcare St Johns

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About Time Out Childcare St Johns

Name Time Out Childcare St Johns
Address St Johns The Baptist Primary School, Abshot Road, Fareham, PO14 4NH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children beam with delight when they see their familiar adults from the club arrive to collect them from school. They are clearly happy to go to club after their busy school day.

Children know the expectations and routines that staff set for the club. They patiently wait for their peers to be ready to walk back to the club base. Staff listen to children attentively as they chat about their day at school.

Children benefit from staff who are genuinely interested in them and what they say. Staff support children's emotional well-being effectively and they are confident to attend the club. Children benefit from staff who are r...esponsive to their needs.

Staff listen to children's opinions and encourage them to voice their wants and needs. This helps to ensure their voices are heard. Children confidently ask for more resources from the storage cupboard, for example, or tell staff they need more paints.

Staff are positive role models for good manners, and children behave well. Children enjoy playing cooperatively with others of all ages, being busy and active, or having time to 'chill out' quietly. Their individual needs are met by attentive staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and her management team have clear aims about what they offer to children at the club. They primarily focus on making sure children are happy and want to attend. Staff make sure they know children well and how to help them enjoy their time at the club.

Staff provide a home-from-home club environment that allows children to relax after school. They listen to what children want, and are reflective about the opportunities and experiences they offer. This helps to ensure children are happy and engaged at the club.

Staff deploy themselves well to ensure all children benefit from their positive interactions. Children show they feel safe in the staff's care. They confidently ask staff for help and support, as well as to invite them into their play.

Staff teach children about keeping safe. Children listen to what staff say and they know the rules and boundaries that staff have for them. For example, children know the whistle means they need to stop, listen and follow instructions.

This helps to keep them safe at the club.The provider supplies children with a variety of nutritious snacks after school. They have a good range to choose from and enjoy social mealtimes.

Staff ensure children follow effective hygiene routines, such as washing their hands before eating. This supports their good health.Older children are caring and encourage younger children to have a go.

For example, when playing long rope games, younger children join in at their own level. Children show they feel proud in what they achieve. Staff offer all children plenty of praise and encouragement.

This supports their confidence and well-being.Staff value what children do. For example, they display children's art work at the club.

This helps to develop children's self-esteem and sense of belonging.Children share what they learn at school. For instance, they chat to staff about the different sounds that letters make.

Staff ask children questions to deepen their understanding and to help them to explore their learning further.Staff build effective partnerships with parents and school staff. They have daily conversations to share information about children's well-being and needs.

This ensures there are high levels of continuity for children's care and learning.Parents report very positively about the ways staff support their children at the club. Staff keep parents informed, which helps to build their trust in the staff.

Parents comment that staff are 'very reassuring' and their children look forward to attending the club.The provider has robust recruitment procedures in place. This ensures staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff report they feel supported and valued by the provider and her management team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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