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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
There are breaches to the requirements of the 'Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage', which negatively impacts on children's safety. Some staff do not have good knowledge of how to identify safeguarding concerns about children. Additionally, leaders do not ensure that safeguarding procedures are implemented effectively in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff.
This compromises children's safety. The quality of education is weak. The curriculum is not ambitious for all children or understood by staff.
Although staff interact with children during their play, they do not... enhance children's knowledge and skills effectively. Furthermore, staff do not know children well enough to ensure they are making progress in their learning. Children often wander around the room, occupying themselves or taking toys from one another.
Some children are left to play with dummies in their mouths, which hinders their communication and language development. In addition, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are not well supported. Staff do not have the knowledge they need to plan suitable learning opportunities for these children.
Leaders do not have effective arrangements in place to support or monitor staff practice. As a result, staff do not provide quality learning experiences for children. Despite weaknesses, children appear happy and settled.
They sit with staff and receive cuddles from them. Staff share familiar books with children and name characters in the story.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff do not have good enough knowledge of how to identify a safeguarding concern or what to do if an allegation is made against a member of staff.
This means that procedures for reporting allegations are not followed and relevant agencies are not notified. Although leaders identify some gaps in staff's safeguarding knowledge, this is not acted on in a timely way to ensure that they have the knowledge needed to identify concerns should they arise. As a result, children are not safeguarded.
Staff do not have a good enough understanding of how to support children's communication and language development effectively. Although some staff talk to children and describe what they are doing during play, they frequently allow children to wander around with dummies in their mouths. Staff do not understand that this hinders opportunities for children to practise new sounds and words.
As a result, children do not have opportunities to develop effective communication skills.Staff plan some activities for children. These are based on themes, such as seasonal celebrations.
Staff encourage children to take part in these activities; however, they do not meet the learning needs of children. Activities are heavily adult-led, and some staff take resources away that young children are trying to explore. This results in children sitting and watching staff complete craft activities.
This means that children do not gain the required learning from the activities on offer.Staff do not know the children well enough. Although children are assigned a key person, staff are unsure of what children need to learn next.
As a result, learning programmes are not tailored to meet children's individual needs to ensure that they make progress in their development.The arrangements for supervising and supporting staff are not effective. Leaders meet with staff and spend time in playrooms with them.
However, they do not identify weaknesses in staff practice swiftly enough or act on this once it is recognised. Staff receive some training opportunities. However, these do not have a positive impact on improving experiences for children.
As a result, children do not experience a quality learning environment.Children with SEND are not supported well. They often entertain themselves, with little interaction from staff.
Leaders have devised targets for these children that detail what staff should do to help them make progress. However, staff are not aware of these targets, and as a result, children with SEND make little progress in their learning.Leaders are keen to promote partnership working with parents.
Staff speak to parents daily and inform them of what children have been doing. They share information about children's development. Parents comment that children are settled and happy to attend nursery.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure leaders and staff know how to identify safeguarding concerns and when to report an allegation against a member of staff 31/01/2025 ensure children's communication and language development is effectively supported 28/02/2025 improve the planning and implementation of the curriculum so that children experience high quality learning opportunities 28/02/2025 ensure staff know children well enough in order to help them make progress in all areas of learning and development 28/02/2025 improve the arrangements for supervision, so staff are provided with the support they need to improve their own knowledge and skills 28/02/2025 improve the support for children with SEND so that they receive the support they need to make progress in their learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.