Tiny Tots Day Care Nursery

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About Tiny Tots Day Care Nursery

Name Tiny Tots Day Care Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Forum, Paul Close, Cheshunt, WALTHAM CROSS, Hertfordshire, EN7 6DX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children settle quickly into the nursery and show that they feel safe and secure in their surroundings. For instance, babies who are new to the nursery happily choose a book and share this with visiting adults.

Older babies join in with the actions to songs, which staff know they enjoy. Later on, babies revisit the songs again independently and staff praise them before joining in with them.Children enjoy physical activities at the nursery.

They know what resources are on offer. For instance, they ask the staff for bats and balls. They turn to staff for help to use the tools appropriately.

Children persevere as... staff provide them with support and encouragement. They respond proudly when they successfully hit the ball with the bat. As a result, children develop their confidence and maintain high levels of focus.

The nursery has a welcoming and friendly feel. Children's various cultures are widely celebrated and valued. For example, children in the pre-school room sing songs in multiple languages.

They repeat each verse of the song in English and Greek, along with the relevant actions. This helps children to make connections between the different languages and supports all children to feel included.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children develop their vocabulary well.

Babies begin to speak and staff warmly repeat words back to them. Staff encourage younger toddlers to join words together to begin to form sentences. Staff introduce new words to children during activities.

This helps children to learn to communicate effectively with others.Parents are happy with the level of care that staff provide. Key persons gather relevant information from parents before children start.

They find out about children's abilities and interests. Staff use this information to identify relevant starting points in children's learning. The information they receive also enables them to put in place appropriate support for children who may have additional needs.

Staff are passionate about their roles. They work together to create a meaningful and relevant curriculum for the children in each room. They have a clear understanding of what they want children to learn.

Staff monitor children's progress closely. This enables them to successfully plan appropriate activities, building on what children already know and can do. As a result, children make good progress in their learning and development.

Children behave well across the nursery. Staff deal with low-level disruptions quickly and in a kind manner. They have completed a range of training to support them in managing children's behaviour effectively.

Managers have appointed a staff member to oversee the behaviour management strategies that staff use. This helps to provide consistency across the nursery. As a result, children understand what staff expect from them.

Leaders and managers are highly reflective and have a clear vision for the future of the nursery. They take on board feedback from multiple sources. For instance, they encourage staff and parents to complete regular surveys to share their views and opinions.

Leaders and managers implement changes based on the feedback they receive to make improvements to the nursery.Staff deployment in the baby room is effective and staff are able to focus and fully engage with babies. However, on occasion staff deployment in other rooms is not as effective.

For example, staff in the pre-school room have to pause an activity to fill up water containers for other children, as there is nobody else available to complete the task. This interrupts some children's learning. As a result, not all children receive consistent high-quality interactions from staff across the nursery.

Staff hold relevant discussions with parents. For instance, they talk to parents about the impact of dummies on children's speech development. Managers recognise the importance of extending children's learning at home.

They are beginning to implement the ideas they have to develop this further. However, these ideas are not yet embedded. This means that children are currently less likely to be able to build on their learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff have a secure understanding of how to safeguard children. Leaders notify Ofsted about changes within the organisation, so that the required suitability checks can be completed.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training. This helps them to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff are aware of the processes to follow should they have concerns regarding children's welfare.

They are confident about what to do if they have concerns regarding a colleague and how to raise these concerns further to the relevant agencies should they need to. Staff are able to identify a range of safeguarding issues, including possible signs of abuse and neglect.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove staff deployment to provide children with consistently high-quality interactions without disruption, particularly in the pre-school room develop opportunities for parents to extend their children's learning at home, so that children can continue to build on what they know and can do even further.

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