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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Children are happy and settled at the nursery.
They benefit from having trusting relationships with the kind and caring staff. Staff provide plenty of cuddles and reassurance to support children as they leave their parents. However, the management team does not ensure that a progressive curriculum is understood and implemented effectively across the nursery.
Furthermore, they have not tailored training and support to enable staff to improve the quality of their teaching. Some staff do not ensure that their interactions during group activities with children ignite all children's curiosity and enable them to fully participa...te in the learning experiences. As a result, there are occasions when children become bored and restless.
Otherwise, children behave appropriately for their age.Staff use settling-in sessions to build relationships with parents and ensure that they have key information to provide continuity in children's care. They create a calm and nurturing environment and recognise the importance of forming firm attachments with children.
Young babies show they feel safe and secure as they reach out to familiar members of staff and beam with happiness as they play together. However, staff do not provide parents with sufficient information to enable parents to continue their children's learning at home.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children do not benefit from a well-designed and progressive curriculum that builds securely on what they already know so that they experience consistently good learning opportunities.
Some staff do not understand the intentions for children's learning, which means they are not able to present information in a way that offers the appropriate level of challenge for children. For example, staff follow children's interests and develop their curiosity in shopping after a visit to a local supermarket. However, staff are not clear about what they plan for children to learn from this experience.
The management team has successfully established a team of staff who are motivated and work well together. It successfully takes care of the well-being of staff. The management team endeavours to provide opportunities for the staff's professional development, such as how to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
However, arrangements to coach and mentor individual staff are not fully established. There are gaps in the skills and knowledge of some staff, which contribute to the inconsistency in the overall quality of teaching.Staff have created an environment that supports children to lead their own play.
For example, young children can choose what resources they put into the sand tray. Staff plan and present attractive play ideas to children and play alongside them. However, at times, their interactions with children do not help each child to fully engage in the activities.
For example, staff choose books for story time that are too advanced for toddlers, which means children loose interest in the activity. Additionally, children are expected to sit for too long during group activities for their age and stage of development.Staff teach children to behave appropriately.
For example, they model polite words, such as 'please' and 'thank you'. Staff also encourage children to share and take turns to support them in building friendships with their peers. They help children to acquire some self-care skills.
For example, older children are encouraged to serve their own food at lunchtime, and toddlers are supported to learn how to put on their coats.Staff ensure that children learn how they can keep themselves healthy as they play outside daily to exercise and get fresh air. Children practise their balance and coordination skills to support their physical development.
They start to develop their independence skills as staff encourage them to wash their hands.Parents speak positively about the nursery. They say that the staff are caring and welcoming.
Parents value the support and kindness that staff offer their children to help them to settle into the nursery environment. Staff talk to parents about activities children have taken part in, food they have eaten and nappy changes. However, staff do not give parents enough information so that they can continue their children's learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date devise an ambitious curriculum that is understood and consistently implemented by all staff 31/01/2025 implement effective arrangements to provide the specific support, coaching and training needed to enable each individual staff member to develop their skills and knowledge 31/01/2025 ensure that staff improve how they engage effectively with children, in order to maintain children's interest and engagement 29/11/2024 ensure that staff share sufficient information with parents to enable them to support their children's learning at home.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.