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Cicely Davis Hall, Cochrane Street, London, NW8 7NX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
At this nursery, staff warmly welcome children from diverse cultures and backgrounds, many of whom speak English as an additional language, such as Japanese and Spanish. Staff go out of their way to collect information from parents about children's learning needs, including their English skills.
This enables staff to provide children with high-quality care and education. Parents find that their children thrive in this nurturing and supportive environment. For example, children who were initially shy have now gained confidence in their social skills.
Staff's approachable and friendly demeanour supports children in formi...ng secure attachments with them. This provides children with a strong base to feel safe and secure. Staff help children to make sensible choices about their learning, encouraging them to play well together.
Children learn to follow the nursery's rules and boundaries. They know when it is time to tidy away the toys and remind each other of this. Staff have high expectations for what children can achieve.
They build on children's counting skills and explore mathematical language with them. Staff take children to the local playground to promote their physical skills. Children enjoy balancing with beanbags and running freely outdoors.
They are happy and have positive attitudes to learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff at this nursery continue to provide a good-quality service. One of its key strengths is promoting diversity among children by celebrating their individual characters and teaching them about different cultural festivals.
However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, the manager has not fully explored further opportunities for children to learn about their local community.The provider is extremely passionate about giving children the best possible education. She has designed a well-thought-out curriculum for all children, which staff clearly understand.
Their educational programmes emphasise personal, social and emotional development and promote this well. For example, staff role model positive behaviour and reinforce good table manners. This has had a positive impact on children, who initially found it challenging to interact and socialise with others.
Staff observe and assess children's progress effectively to identify possible gaps in their learning. They also put a strong emphasis on promoting children's communication and language skills. Staff read stories, sing songs and use basic sign language to develop and extend children's vocabulary.
Children delight in joining in and repeating familiar words and phrases. Staff help children to make significant progress from their starting points. This also applies to children for whom staff have concerns about their development.
Children with limited vocabulary now express their needs by asking staff for assistance. For example, when faced with difficulties, they approach staff and say politely, 'Can you help me, please?' Parents provide overwhelmingly positive feedback about the nursery. They cite effective settling-in procedures, caring and nurturing staff and informative communication as some of the things that staff do well.
Parents find that their children are safe and enjoy learning new skills.Staff feel supported and have access to coaching when needed. Some have received training on managing children's challenging behaviour, which has helped them to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
However, the provider does not yet place a sharp enough focus on staff's professional growth to further develop their confidence and teaching skills.Staff ensure that children follow effective handwashing routines and promote their independence. They give children ample time to develop and master valuable skills, such as putting on their coats and serving themselves during mealtimes.
This motivates children to have a go and persevere. Children gain the knowledge and skills that they need for their future education.The provider involves parents in the self-evaluation process, which helps to improve the quality of care provided.
Since the last inspection, the provider and staff have made several positive changes to the outdoor space. For instance, they have introduced gardening to keep the children active in the natural environment. They have also reviewed the layout of the environment for younger children, which has helped to boost their concentration span.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nexplore opportunities for children to learn about their communities to enhance their learning experiences sharpen staff monitoring to identify training needs and develop teaching to the highest possible standards.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.