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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement There is a breach of requirements that means the leadership and management of the provision requires improvement.
However, the impact of this weakness on children is minimal.Children show that they are content at the nursery. They are forming close bonds of attachment with the adults who care for them and separate from their parents with confidence.
Children behave well, and staff encourage them to learn how to play sociably. This helps to create a calm atmosphere at the nursery. Overall, children receive care and education that meets their needs.
However, staff are not fully aware of how to offer a curriculum th...at helps all children to make good progress in their learning and development. Despite this, children enjoy attending the nursery and show their interest and excitement in the activities on offer. Children like to explore different materials, such as wrapping pretend Christmas presents and rolling and pinching play dough in their hands.
They demonstrate growing self-confidence as they invite the inspector into their play and pretend to make cups of tea. Children have opportunities to make choices about where and how they play, and this helps them to stay motivated.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has failed to notify Ofsted and complete the process of providing the required information about directors who have responsibility for the setting.
As a result, suitability checks are not in place for these individuals. Although this is a risk, it is minimal as these individuals do not have day-to-day contact with children.The managers have identified a general overview of the curriculum and have some clear aims for children to achieve as they progress through the nursery.
However, the curriculum for children is not comprehensive enough. It does not sufficiently reflect children's learning needs and support staff in their planning to challenge children to build on what they know, understand and can do.Children's speech and language development is generally supported by staff.
For example, children enjoy looking at books independently or listening to stories that are read by staff. Staff speak clearly and model two-way conversation. They introduce new words as children take part in water play.
For example, children enjoy using scoops to fill their bottles with water. Staff model words such as 'scoop', 'pour', 'empty' and 'full' as children use these actions. This helps children to understand their meaning and develop their vocabulary.
Children follow some established hygiene routines. For instance, they wash their hands before mealtimes and after messy play activities. However, staff do not consistently encourage children to learn simple good hygiene practices, such as wiping their noses, or teach them about the importance of this.
This does not build strong foundations for children to learn to manage their own personal needs and develop self-care skills.Staff support children to understand the boundaries and expectations in the nursery, and their behaviour is good. They listen to staff and are learning to be kind and friendly towards others.
Although children benefit from regular fresh air and exercise, staff do not consistently plan purposeful outdoor activities to extend learning as well as possible for those children who prefer to play outside.The managers complete supervision regularly, and staff benefit from some training opportunities. However, these are not consistently focused enough on raising staff's overall performance and teaching skills.
As a result, the quality of teaching is not yet good. The managers value and nurture staff well-being and provide support for staff when needed.Parents speak highly of the friendly staff in the setting.
They say how pleased they are with the nursery. They feel well supported and get information daily through an online system. Staff send regular pictures to parents of their children engaging in activities during the day.
Parents know who their child's key person is and are comfortable discussing things with them.The managers are aware there are areas of practice that need improvement and are positive about implementing changes to improve quality.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interest first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that Ofsted is provided with information to enable them to check the suitability of individuals who are part of the nursery's leadership 06/12/2024 improve your knowledge and understanding of changes that must be notified to Ofsted 06/12/2024 improve staff awareness of the curriculum intent so that they fully understand how to implement a purposeful curriculum that promotes children's good development.06/12/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove the monitoring of staff practice and provide all staff with effective support, supervision and training to raise the quality of teaching to a consistently good level place a sharper focus on planning purposeful outdoor activities to better support those children who prefer to play and learn outside develop a more consistent approach to teaching children about the importance of good hygiene practices and how to manage their own personal care needs to further enhance their self-care skills.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.