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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy and settled. Staff are caring and nurturing, supporting children to make good progress with their learning and development.
There is an effective key-person system in place. Children have time to settle and bond with staff, who know their key children well and plan good-quality activities to enable them to make progress towards their next steps of learning.The provider understands the importance of keeping children safe and secure.
They have addressed previous actions raised at the last inspection by ensuring that staff attend relevant training and are familiar with policies and procedures to promote... good practice. Staff implement an ambitious curriculum to help prepare children for their next stages in learning. For example, as children progress through the nursery, staff support them to become increasingly independent with their personal care.
Therefore, older children confidently manage tasks such as putting on their coats and serving their meals. Children obtain skills useful for when they start school. Staff model respect and manners through their interactions with children and each other.
For example, when children hand staff items they have asked for, they thank them for their help. In turn, children are quick to say 'please' and 'thank you' without the need for reminders. Children listen as staff give instructions and explain rules.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the last inspection, the provider has worked hard to raise the quality of the nursery to a good standard. They have successfully rectified weaknesses to ensure that there are no breaches to requirements. Improvements to the curriculum, professional development of staff and overall safeguarding practice ensure that children's individual needs are well met.
Changes to the learning environment, resources and curriculum on offer have improved the quality of education since the last inspection. Children show increasing independence as they follow their own interests during play. Staff plan a wealth of adult-led activities that intrigue and excite children.
However, some staff do not provide enough challenge to children to enhance their learning during free play. For example, children show an interest in the role-play area. They feed and dress dolls.
However, staff do not offer children new information or extend their understanding to help them build on what they know.The setting works closely with parents to swiftly identify any children who may need additional intervention. They link with external professionals to ensure that targeted support plans help children to achieve.
Staff use visual timelines and a picture exchange system to support children's language development and to help them understand routines. This gives children a sense of belonging and helps them to feel valued.Children behave well.
Staff reinforce the rules and boundaries of the setting. They praise children for using positive behaviours, such as when children use manners, share or wait their turn. However, staff do not always help children to fully understand how their actions impact others, or how to independently resolve conflicts.
This means children are not fully supported in managing their own behaviour.Children learn about good hygiene routines and healthy food choices. They understand the importance of brushing their teeth, to promote their understanding of oral health, and handwashing.
Children also learn about how to keep their bodies fit and healthy. They benefit from regular opportunities to exert themselves physically. For example, they enjoy playing in the garden and using the bikes and balancing equipment.
Staff provide opportunities to help promote children's communication and language. For example, they read books to children and encourage them to join in. Older children anticipate what might happen next and recite parts of the story they have heard before.
Staff use props and instruments to help engage children in singing and stories.Staff receive regular supervision sessions and training opportunities. The setting places high priority on staff well-being.
Staff report how the improvements to the setting are having a positive impact on the team and children. Staff report how they feel very well supported in their role.Staff build good relationships with parents.
They ensure that parents are involved in the children's learning experiences at the nursery. Staff work in partnership with parents to create children's next steps. They ask parents for information from children's weekend experiences, such as day trips or family events, and incorporate this into activities to extend their interests and learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff skills to provide further engagement and challenge to children during free play to enhance their learning support staff to help children understand how their behaviour impacts others so that they begin to resolve conflicts independently.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.