Torpoint Teddies Day Nursery

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About Torpoint Teddies Day Nursery

Name Torpoint Teddies Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 16 Antony Road, Torpoint, PL11 2JW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cornwall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement The provider does not have an accurate enough oversight of the leaders and staffs' practice. Although leaders have made some improvements since the last inspection, changes have not been significant enough to improve the quality of education to a good standard.

Staff deployment in the baby room is not always effective and staff do not meet the learning needs of individual children consistently. For example, staff are not always clear what they want children to learn from adult-led activities, so they do not provide sufficient help to build on what the children know and can do. Children who require additional support do not receive... the extra help they need.

Consequently, some children do not make good progress in their learning.Children arrive confidently and are eager to greet their friends and the staff. Leaders and staff form warm and sensitive relationships with children.

Staff use nappy changing times to bond with babies. For example, they maintain good eye contact, are playful and sing nursery rhymes, and the babies giggle and smile happily throughout. Staff working with the two-year-old and pre-school children are enthusiastic and encourage the children to be imaginative and to share their thoughts and ideas when they play together.

Children are kind, friendly and play cooperatively.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider does not monitor the quality of the leaders and staff's practice thoroughly enough, to be able to ensure that support and coaching are targeted and effective. Although the provider arranges some training for the team, this has not been successful in providing every child with a good education.

Leaders and staff assess children accurately and identify appropriate next steps for their learning. However, the planning of the curriculum is not tailored enough to children's learning needs. For example, staff do not consider how to develop babies' physical skills to help them learn to walk, so the babies spend much of the session sitting and crawling.

Staff working with the two-year-old and pre-school children plan whole group activities, but do not adapt these appropriately to support and engage every child and extend their learning.Leaders and staff work well with parents and other professionals to find out about the children who require additional support. However, leaders and staff do not provide enough attention and interaction to meet these children's learning needs.

For example, when children need extra help with their language development, staff do not encourage them to speak while they play and during adult-led activities.The provider and leaders have taken some effective action since the last inspection. Leaders and staff teach children the reasons for the rules, to help them to understand staff's expectations for their behaviour and how to keep themselves safe.

At busier periods during the day, staff are not deployed effectively to meet the needs of the babies. For example, staff tend to other tasks, such as cleaning up after mealtimes, putting children to bed for a nap and changing nappies. This leaves too few staff to help and interact with the remaining children.

Consequently, some babies and toddlers do not receive the support from staff to engage in play or learning. They sit and watch others around them or crawl around by themselves for prolonged periods.Staff know the children well.

They recognise when babies and toddlers are hungry or tired and take action to address their care needs. Staff are show patience and kindness when using different strategies to support babies when they struggle to manage their feelings.The provider, leaders and staff understand and implement risk assessment effectively.

For example, they have moved the entrance to the nursery since the last inspection, to keep children safer during handovers with parents.Children learn to be independent. Babies use cutlery to feed themselves, and two-year-old and pre-school children pour their own drinks and dress themselves.

They proudly show staff when they succeed in putting on their coat to play outside.Parents talk positively about the relationships that staff and children form. They state that staff share detailed information about their children's care routines and experiences at the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date provide more frequent and targeted support for children who require additional help, to engage them in their play and learning and meet their individual needs more effectively 07/03/2025 improve the support and coaching for leaders and staff, to develop their knowledge and skills and ensure their planning and delivery of the curriculum helps every child to make good progress 07/03/2025 develop the deployment of staff in the baby room during busier times in the day, to ensure that children receive the support and attention required to meet their needs.


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