Townsend Montessori Nurseries @ Margate

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About Townsend Montessori Nurseries @ Margate

Name Townsend Montessori Nurseries @ Margate
Ofsted Inspections
Address Tempest House, 10 Cowper Road, MARGATE, Kent, CT9 1SX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children receive an extremely warm and caring welcome from staff upon arrival at the setting. Children are happy and eager to separate from their parents.

They quickly engage with activities, that have been carefully planned to meet their needs. For instance, young children excitedly explore a sensory activity, where different objects have been frozen inside ice balls. This ignites their curiosity, as they try to break the ice open using various tools.

Children demonstrate that they feel very safe and secure and have developed close bonds with staff. For example, they confidently lead their own learning, as they... freely explore and play together in the calm and relaxed atmosphere. The environment is exceptionally well planned to support their growing independence.

Children have consistently positive attitudes to their learning. They show high levels of respect towards each other and clearly understand how their behaviour has an impact on others. For instance, during play children remind each other about 'inside voices' and can be seen illustrating this to each other.

Children exhibit high levels of self-control.Staff have very high expectations for children. This includes those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

For instance, the setting works exceptionally well with outside agencies to ensure that the environment is fully inclusive and meets the needs of all children attending. All children make outstanding progress regardless of their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The staff know the children extremely well.

They offer highly engaging activities that are carefully planned around the children's interests. For example, children show keen interests in the sounds they hear, such as emergency vehicles. Staff respond quickly to adapt the environment to support their teaching.

Children develop their fine motor skills as they practise with buttons on dressing-up clothes. Staff introduce new vocabulary as they role play with the children and talk about people who help us.Children share a love of reading with the staff.

They read stories in a way that excites and engages children and highly motivates them to learn. For example, staff use excellent expression and encourage children to recall what they know about a familiar story. Children excitedly join in and share props with each other as they retell the story.

They demonstrate a rich vocabulary, which prepares them exceptionally well for their next stage of learning.Children's early literacy skills are exceptionally well planned for. Older children's learning is supported and extended by a qualified teacher.

Their learning is clearly embedded as they freely practise their skills during play. For instance, children are highly engaged and concentrate as they independently mark make. They correctly form the letters of their names onto their pictures.

Older children write their names in full. They are making remarkable progress for their age.Staff have exceptionally high standards for children's behaviour.

Children's positive attitudes to learning reflect this throughout the setting. Children learn to manage their own behaviour from a very young age. For instance, staff gently remind children about the rules and how to keep themselves safe.

Staff successfully give children the tools and language they need to develop their understanding of why safety measures are in place.The manager speaks passionately about the setting's inclusive approach. She is very ambitious about providing high-quality education and care to all children, especially those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND.

For example, the setting work extremely closely with outside agencies. As a result, children receive highly effective targeted support that is tailored to their individual needs. They make excellent progress from their starting points.

The support for children with SEND is outstanding and is worthy of being shared with others.The leadership and management of the setting is inspirational. The manager has built highly successful and trusting relationships with her staff team and has very high aspirations for their professional development.

Staff well-being is at the top of her agenda. For example, staff consistently report that they are very happy and feel immensely supported by the approachable and caring manager. Staff have high levels of respect for their manager.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and duty to protect children from harm. Staff talk confidently about what they would do if they had concerns about a child's welfare.

They understand the local safeguarding procedures and know who they need to report their concerns to and when. The setting has a clear culture of safeguarding, that is firmly embedded within everyday practice. Staff receive regular training to keep their knowledge up to date.

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