Toybox Children’s Nursery Ltd

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About Toybox Children’s Nursery Ltd

Name Toybox Children’s Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 217 Upperthorpe, SHEFFIELD, S6 3NG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive at this warm and welcoming setting. They arrive eagerly.

Adults have formed nurturing bonds with the children in their care. They greet children with a caring hug. This helps children to feel safe and be ready to learn and play.

Babies use musical instruments to create sounds. Adults praise them, and babies smile. They are proud of their achievements.

Children show extremely high levels of engagement. Outdoors, they use their whole bodies to run, jump and stop as they take part in running races. Children wait patiently for their turn.

They encourage their friends who are taking ...part. Other children immerse themselves in imaginative play. They create fairy cakes in the mud kitchen.

They pretend to wash their hands before baking. Then, they excitedly discuss toppings with adults. Children work together, sharing without any need for encouragement.

Younger children play alongside one another. They climb steps to use the slide. Adults give children time to try to do this by themselves.

They stay nearby, ready to support them if needed. As a result, children at this setting develop excellent physical skills. The educational programmes are exceptionally ambitious.

Adults know children extremely well. They provide targeted teaching that builds on what children know and can do. This ensures that all children make excellent progress in all areas of learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is well thought out and designed to meet the needs of all children. Adults tailor learning experiences to meet each individual child's needs. For example, adults let babies explore paints, feeling its texture with their hands.

Adults recognise that some children do not like to use their hands. They provide paintbrushes. Babies happily make marks on paper and exclaim 'painting!' As a result, all children make excellent progress.

Children settle into the environment with ease. Adults know children exceptionally well and show genuine care for them. This means that children's emotional needs are met consistently.

Children replicate these caring behaviours with their friends. For example, they comfort their friends when they feel upset. Children are becoming confident and secure individuals.

Adults support children to be independent. Children have a brilliant understanding of hygiene practices. They pump their own soap to wash their hands before lunch.

Older children pour their own water. Children are encouraged to find their name and put their belongings away on their peg. As a result, children become increasingly independent in managing their personal needs.

The setting has developed a culture of respect. Behaviour is exemplary. Children clearly understand what is expected of them.

Children sit together, engrossed in a mark-making activity. They praise one another's work. When it is time to tidy up, they work together to complete the task.

Consequently, the setting is calm, and children are ready to learn.The setting focuses on helping children develop their communication skills. Adults provide interactions that are consistently of a high quality.

Attentive adults encourage babies to wave. They copy the sounds they make and introduce new words through songs and rhymes. Older children confidently request their favourite songs during group times.

Adults introduce new words to children as they play. For example, adults teach children about the parts of the body, such as 'lungs' and 'ankles'. As a result, children are developing excellent language skills.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make excellent progress. Adults work closely with parents and outside agencies to ensure that they are fully supported. Learning opportunities are adapted in a way that recognises individual children's needs and strengths.

Additional funding that the setting receives is used to further individual children's progress. As a result, all children have equal access to the high-quality curriculum.Parents are extremely satisfied with the care their children receive.

They describe the setting as 'home from home'. Parents report feeling well supported. Communication between the setting and parents is strong.

Parents are encouraged to visit the setting to find out about their child's learning and how they can support this at home.The leadership team has a clear understanding of what the setting does well and how they would like to improve. They carefully consider new ideas before making changes.

Leaders give regular feedback and training to the adults working at the setting. As a result, they feel confident and well supported. This is reflected in their praiseworthy practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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