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Liberal Hall, 14 York Road, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 8ET
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children experience an environment where their needs are central to the provider's approach.
The provider has developed a curriculum attuned to children's interests, where staff actively play alongside them to foster engagement and learning. Children read books and select stories, and staff share in these experiences with them. Staff sit on the floor with children and they explore picture books together, discussing different aspects of the stories.
This interaction helps children maintain their concentration and encourages them to share their ideas. These activities promote reading and improve children's comprehension ...and communication skills.Children at the pre-school are independent.
Staff trust them with responsibilities, such as preparations for children's snacks. Each week, children join staff to buy fruit and vegetables from the local shop, then cut them into bite-sized pieces using appropriate cutting tools. Staff teach them to safely hold food and equipment and apply the right pressure to cut harder items.
They support children in thinking through what they need for outdoor play, such as coats and wellies, giving them the time and space to get ready. This nurturing environment ensures that children arrive confident and happy, ready to engage in daily activities.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has developed an ambitious curriculum that prepares children for school effectively.
They collaborate with local schools to ensure that their expectations are high and supportive of children's transition to school. For instance, the provider's curriculum focuses on developing children's fine motor skills, listening and understanding skills, clear sentence formation, and social skills, such as sharing and playing with peers.The provider supports staff in embracing an attitude of continual improvement.
They accurately evaluate the quality of their teaching and learning. The provider is reflective and builds on staff strengths and passions. Staff regularly attend training and challenge themselves to support children through increased responsibility.
Children benefit from staff who are confident and skilled in sustaining their concentration.Staff develop activities that engage children's interests and provide meaningful opportunities for children to learn. For example, they provide children with recipe cards to reinforce the concept that print has meaning and instructions have a sequence to follow.
Staff model language well and facilitate children's ideas as they fill cake moulds with a mixture of compost and sand. However, occasionally, staff do not model the learning intentions of the planned activity. Because of this, some children cannot build on what they have previously learned and make even more progress.
The key-person system is well established, with staff knowing children both emotionally and developmentally. For example, children confidently engage in a matching game with staff, which helps them focus. Staff accurately monitor children's progress and identify next steps that will help them develop, such as building friendships and supporting their communication and language skills.
They quickly identify when there are concerns in children's development, and where appropriate, they work with external agencies to secure the ongoing support they need to close gaps in their learning.Children's behaviour is good. They respond promptly to instructions.
When staff ring the bell, all children stop and listen attentively. For example, children eagerly come to the carpet for singing and story times. Staff engage children with fun songs, which reinforce the rules of the setting.
This routine reinforces positive behaviour and listening skills. Children participate with enthusiasm, demonstrating their understanding and enjoyment of the activity. Such practices ensure a harmonious and well-managed environment, promoting effective learning and social development.
Partnerships with parents are strong. The provider regularly arranges feedback sessions to discuss children's development. They collaborate with parents to identify areas where children need additional support.
For instance, when children struggle with the pronunciation of sounds, they provide parents with fun games to help them practise sounds they find tricky. Staff are approachable, professional and personable, giving parents valuable time to ensure that they have all the information they need. Parents say they 'never feel rushed'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's understanding of the curriculum so that children's experiences consistently build on their previous learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.