Triangle Nursery School

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About Triangle Nursery School

Name Triangle Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 35 Effra Parade, London, SW2 1PL
Phase Nursery
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 40
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is a special place for children to learn, play and grow. Children skip happily into school each day because they have come to expect that learning will be fun.

They thrive under the care and guidance provided by the highly skilled and dedicated staff. One of the youngest children said, 'I like and I love my nursery, and I'm happy at my nursery too!'

Parents and carers told us that they felt a great sense of relief and gratitude when their children started nursery. They could tell straight away that staff wanted the very best for their children and would keep them safe.

Staff spend lots of time getting to know each child very well indeed.

...>Leaders and staff expect all children to be successful in their learning. Practitioners find out what children know and can do when they start nursery.

They then plan steps in learning for each child which helps them to quickly build up their knowledge, skills and confidence.

Children behave extremely well. Adults are wonderful role models for children.

They show children how to be kind and to respect others. They help children to take turns and share. Any rare, minor disputes are sorted out calmly and quickly, and always with kindness.

The nursery is a happy, harmonious and a high-achieving community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, governors and staff have ambitious plans for the children in their care. Staff are proud to work at the school.

This really shows when they talk about their roles and the impact they have on children's lives. They make sure that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well. Children are very well prepared to move on to primary school.

The learning spaces inside and outside are exciting and interesting. They motivate and inspire children to explore, play and learn.

Leaders and staff make sure that developing children's early literacy skills is a key focus.

Children enjoy books, stories and rhymes. Practitioners think very carefully about the themes within the stories they choose to share. For example, children told us that Percy, the owl baby, 'missed his mummy', just like many of them did when they started nursery.

Phonics sessions support children to develop their reading skills well. Practitioners make sure that they keep a close check on children's skills so that they can carefully plan what they need to teach next. Parents told us that staff have helped them to support their children with reading at home.

Children come from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. Many speak English as an additional language. Staff help children to develop their listening and speaking skills extremely well.

They model spoken English accurately. They also support and challenge children to use sentences and new words when they are speaking. For example, children were guided to talk confidently about different fruits that they were tasting.

Children listen attentively to adults and respond confidently to questions. They talk together when they are playing and learning. We saw a group of children talking about their rail tracks and helping each other to improve them.

Children are confident in role play. We came across a few 'big bad wolves' and 'mummy pigs' during the inspection! Children showed great confidence when talking to us about their school, their families and their learning.

Staff are incredibly successful in developing children's personal and social skills.

This is because they have created a setting where children feel treasured, valued and listened to. Leaders and staff work as a team and treat each other with respect and kindness. Children learn from them to be respectful and kind too.

Lunchtime is a very special, sociable time of the day. Children wait patiently and take turns to choose their food. They use excellent table manners and chat happily with each other and with adults who eat alongside them.

Children with SEND are very well cared for and supported. They enjoy the full range of experiences that the nursery has to offer. Children of different ethnicity, ages and gender play and learn happily together.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, governors and staff keep children's well-being and safety at the heart of everything they do. Parents express absolute confidence in the school's ability to keep children safe.

Staff constantly check on children's safety. For example, a practitioner quickly went to help a child unravel a skipping rope from around her legs. Staff supported children climbing steps to score a basketball goal.

Leaders know the children's families exceptionally well. They seek support for families if they need help from external agencies.

Leaders and staff take swift, effective action if they think a child may be at risk of harm.

Also at this postcode
Effra Nursery School and Children’s Centre

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