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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff implement an ambitious curriculum to help prepare children for their next stages in learning.
For example, as children progress through the setting, staff support them to become increasingly independent with their personal care. Therefore, older children confidently manage tasks such as putting on their coats and shoes, which will be useful when they start school. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and overall promote this effectively.
They encourage children to use good manners and model how to take turns during activities. Children develop positive relationships with others and generally beha...ve well.Staff are consistently kind and responsive to children.
They create a safe and nurturing space where children feel happy and secure. Staff understand the importance of strong partnerships with parents. This is central to their practice and helps them to support children's learning and welfare consistently.
For instance, some parents struggle with getting children to brush their teeth. Therefore, staff include this in the daily routine, using a song to encourage children's participation. Staff foster children's learning through their interests and the things that they enjoy, which ignites children's eagerness to learn.
For example, toddlers enjoy a book about a bear hunt. Therefore, staff recreate the story with children using small toys and natural materials. Children are motivated to explore the different textures.
They recall words and events from the story, helping to build their vocabularies and love of books.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff monitor children's progress across all areas of their learning. They provide highly targeted support, to help close any identified gaps.
This includes working with parents and with other professionals where needed. These effective partnerships help all children, including children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to make good progress from their starting points.There is consistently strong support for children's language and communication skills.
Staff incorporate opportunities for children to hear new words and to practise speaking and listening throughout the activities. This includes lots of singing, stories and lively conversations. Staff provide additional support where needed, such as through offering focused activities, which help children build their attention and listening skills.
Children become confident communicators and express themselves effectively.Children develop a secure understanding of early mathematics. For instance, older children are curious about shapes and measurements.
They create detailed models using magnetic tiles, explaining how they can join the triangles together to make a pointed roof. Staff skilfully extend children's learning by asking questions or setting challenges. This helps children to develop a positive attitude to mathematics and problem-solving.
Staff value children's individuality and opinions. They include children in decisions about the setting, such as which theme to have in their outdoor role play area or what artwork to display on their 'wow work' boards. This helps children to develop their self-esteem and learn about their similarities and differences.
Children show a strong sense of ownership within the setting. They arrive with big smiles and confidently self-register by placing their photographs or name cards on the registration boards.Staff use shared strategies to promote children's positive behaviour.
For instance, they remind them about 'golden rules' such as using their 'walking feet' indoors. Staff intervene when children have disagreements and suggest strategies such as using timers for turn taking. However, they do not consistently support children to understand their emotions, to help them express their feelings in positive ways and regulate their behaviour independently.
Leaders actively seek parents', staff's and children's views. They have good oversight of the provision and constantly reflect on what they can do even better. Staff describe an open and supportive environment with lots of opportunities for training and professional development.
They have regular supervision with leaders, which helps them to feel valued and to work towards professional goals, such as gaining a childcare qualification or learning more about SEND.Parents gave very positive feedback on the provision. They say their children are happy and settled, because of their affectionate bonds with staff.
Parents value staff's advice on how to continue children's learning at home. They enjoy the opportunities to be involved in children's learning, such as a 'winter crafts' session at the setting. Parents describe children's progress since joining the nursery, including how their independence and speech have improved.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to further develop children's understanding of emotions, to support children in moderating their feelings and behaviour.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.