Twist Lane Nursery

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About Twist Lane Nursery

Name Twist Lane Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 21 Twist Lane, Leigh, Lancashire, WN7 4BZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wigan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are content during the day and settle quickly on arrival at the nursery. They seek cuddles and support from staff if they need to and talk openly about their feelings. Additionally, children retell prior experiences and talk about their families to the staff and each other.

Staff support children's communication skills exceptionally well from the start. Children independently choose to read to each other. They join staff to create their own stories using props.

Books, language and songs are key features in the nursery, starting in the baby room. Older children re-read home-made books they have created with friends. This helps them to recall knowledge and build on what they know.

Staff help children to follow the 'golden rules' in the nursery. Children are extremely well behaved and polite. They are kind to each other and use manners throughout the day.

Any disputes are swiftly resolved. Staff help children to understand how to take turns and regulate their emotions when required. Babies are happy and babble constantly during their play.

They enjoy sensory stimulation and have secure bonds with staff, who are sensitive to their needs and wishes. Staff encourage children to make choices during play and plan activities in line with children's current interests and development needs. Children explore the nursery and the outdoor area with ease and confidence.

They enjoy running around in the fresh air playing group games or collecting fallen leaves independently. Staff talk to children about the textures of the leaves, using words such as 'crunchy'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious and have a good oversight of the nursery's development plans.

They identify local trends in developmental gaps children may have, such as in communication and language, and work to close them. This helps children to continue to make good progress and supports their transition to primary school. Leaders ensure that the curriculum intentions and nursery values are shared and practised throughout the nursery.

Staff regularly ask parents questions about their children to help them identify current needs and interests. Additionally, they share updates and information about children. This helps parents to feel fully involved with their child's development.

Parents appreciate the level of support they receive.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to thrive in their learning. They work closely with external agencies and parents to establish effective support systems.

Staff closely monitor children's development and intervene quickly to close emerging gaps. Children with SEND benefit from a tailored approach to their learning. They make consistently good progress and are valued members of the nursery family.

Children have secure relationships with staff. The key-person system is highly effective and staff know children well. In the main, this enables them to meet their needs and pitch learning to suit their abilities and interests.

However, during play, some children are not always given the opportunity to be curious and maintain a suitable level of focus. As a result, some children occasionally lose interest in their play.Leaders are extremely supportive of staff's needs and well-being.

They know staff well and operate an open-door policy for effective two-way communication. Leaders make reasonable adjustments for all staff to ensure a safe and happy staff team.Staff work hard to develop many aspects of children's learning during their well-thought-out activities.

However, staff do not plan well enough to incorporate mathematics into children's play. As a result, some children do not consistently practise their mathematical skills as they play and learn together.Leaders are aware of how to use funding to help children who are disadvantaged.

They expose children to their local community and to experiences that they may not get a chance to at home. For example, they visit a local care home, an aquarium, parks and a library. This helps children to learn about the world around them, integrate with a range of diverse people and increase their awareness of life in modern Britain.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nadapt the curriculum to increase children's curiosity and concentration skills even further, enabling them to stay focused during their play and learning help staff to plan the curriculum for mathematics more effectively to fully support children's learning.

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