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Two Mile Ash Community Centre, The High Street, Two Mile Ash, Milton Keynes, MK8 8LH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children receive a warm and friendly welcome from staff. Children who have been at pre-school for a while enter the building happily and excitedly, keen to begin their day.
Staff work closely with parents to help children new to the pre-school settle and feel secure. For example, key staff visit children at home to get to know them before they begin coming to pre-school. Parents comment on how this helped their children with the new routine because faces were already familiar to them.
Staff want children to learn lots, and to enjoy that learning, during their time with them. Children benefit from a curriculum that focu...ses well on what they most need to learn next. Staff ensure that there are daily opportunities for children to develop their physical skills.
Staff speak clearly to children. They talk to children about what they are doing. This helps children make the links between the words that they hear and the things they see and do.
This all helps build children's vocabulary and develop their confidence to use words to make their needs and views known. Staff plan activities that teach children about sharing and turn-taking. Children learn from these the language and skills they need to behave well and consider the needs of others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the last inspection, the manager has worked very hard to address any weaknesses. She has embraced the opportunities to work with other professionals to develop her skills and confidence. She has led staff in a successful programme of improving the curriculum so there is a much better focus on the skills and knowledge children most need to learn.
Staff plan well for children who speak English as an additional language. Staff confidently introduce key words in English. They learn and use familiar phases in children's home language.
Parents are invited for stay-and-play sessions, which gives children further opportunities to hear their home languages in the new surroundings of pre-school. This all helps children's overall language development as well helping them feel welcome.Staff work highly effectively with parents to find out what children know and can do when they start pre-school.
This ensures that staff can swiftly begin to put in place any additional support children may need to meet their full potential.During adult-led activities, staff carefully show children how to use resources, which helps children focus as well as develop new skills. However, staff are not as consistent at doing this when they join in children's self-chosen play.
This impacts on children's ability to get the most out of these learning opportunities.Children develop an interest in books. Staff plan well so that children become familiar with well-known stories.
Children have lots of opportunity to listen to the same stories regularly. This helps them learn how stories are structured and grow in confidence to retell stories in their own words. Staff encourage parents to read to their children at home and offer a lending library to families.
Staff fully embrace the opportunities that come from looking after children from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds. Staff mark special days in children's lives with songs, dances and stories. Children have lots of opportunities to learn more about their own, and other children's, cultures.
This helps all children gain a positive view of the diverse society in which they live.Overall, staff organise the days well. Children have time to follow their interests and become curious learners.
However, staff do not always manage some transition times effectively. For example, some children are not aware when it is time to come together as a group because staff do not explain to everyone what is going to happen next. This means that some children cannot join in promptly and fully engage at these times.
Parents are full of praise for the manager and staff. Parents comment on the improvements they have seen, including to the quality and usefulness of the information shared with them about their children's time at pre-school. They comment on how useful this is to help their children continue to learn at home.
Those with oversight for the quality of the provision have developed strong partnerships with the manager. Staff feel valued and appreciated. They also feel better equipped to do their job well because of the guidance, encouragement and mentoring they receive from the manager.
The impact of this effective leadership is seen in the good-quality teaching and care staff give to children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures that all staff maintain thorough and accurate safeguarding knowledge.
All staff complete regular safeguarding training and have regular opportunities to reflect on, and discuss, what they have learned. Staff confidently talk about the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They know who to share any such concerns with, and the importance of doing so promptly, to keep children safe.
The manager follows effective recruitment procedures to ensure the suitability of those employed to work with children. Staff ensure that the premises are safe and secure and supervise children closely at all times.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help children learn to use resources with care and purpose so they can make the most of the learning experiences on offer nimprove the organisation of times between some activities so children understand what is going to happen next and can join in confidently.