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About Ultimate Activity Camps At Handcross Park School
Ultimate Activity Camps At Handcross Park School
Handcross Park School, London Road, Haywards Heath, RH17 6HF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children eagerly look forward to their time at the holiday camp. They are keen to arrive and meet the friends that they have made while attending the camp. Staff warmly greet children, and the children are happy to see them.
Staff use information provided by parents to plan an exciting range of activities based on children's interests. As a result, children are thoroughly engaged throughout the day. Staff support children to make new friendships and ensure that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are included.
Children have daily opportunities to be physically active. They clim...b on equipment and negotiate obstacles, closely supervised by staff. Children tell the inspector that they really enjoy the swimming.
Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They praise children for being polite and kind to each other and encourage them to help with tasks, such as tidying away. Children behave extremely well.
They are confident and have good social skills. Children enjoy spending time with the staff, who get to know them well in a very short time. They feel valued and listened to as staff engage them in meaningful discussions, eager to find out more about them.
Children are happy and feel safe and secure at the camp.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Parents say that they are very happy with the service the camp provides. They comment that the team is highly professional, and that communication is excellent.
Parents mention that their children cannot wait to arrive at the camp and are reluctant to leave because they have had so much fun. They feel that the staff team are approachable and cater for their children's individual needs and that their children are safe and secure.There is a strong leadership team, who give good support to the staff.
Professional opportunities are given to staff who want to develop further. Staff report that the camp is a very rewarding workplace and that they feel valued and listened to as they make suggestions to improve activities. The Head Office provide ample training and an extensive amount of support to ensure that staff are capable and feel confident in their roles.
Staff encourage children at every opportunity to think about the benefits to their bodies of healthy food. Children have a strong awareness of a healthy lifestyle. They tell the inspector it is important to drink water and eat healthily 'to give you energy'.
Children are motivated to investigate and to try new things. They demonstrate good levels of concentration. For example, young children persevere when trying to use scissors to cut paper.
They show a clear sense of achievement when they are successful, saying, 'Snip, snip, look. I did it.' Equally, older children cannot contain their excitement when they are successful at reaching the top of the climbing wall.
Children benefit from skilful interactions provided by staff. They contribute to stories that staff read to them during quiet time. Staff ask appropriate open-ended questions and children discuss topics, such as where different animal species live in the world.
A key strength of the camp is how well children learn about how to stay safe in a variety of situations. For example, children know that they must always be in sight of an adult and when eating they must sit down to help prevent choking. Children take part in fire drills and can explain that playing near deep water can be dangerous.
They wait to be supervised on the zip wire.There is a wide range of activities available to children, both indoors and outdoors. Children are given periods for free play to choose their own activities.
Staff listen to what children would like to do and integrate new ideas into activities. Children thoroughly enjoy the physical aspects of the camp. Staff take into consideration children's well-being.
They ensure that quiet times are offered throughout the day, so children can engage in craft activities, reading books and finding out more about their new friends.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities to protect children in their care from any form of harm.
Leaders and staff undertake regular safeguarding training to help them recognise the signs and symptoms of when a child may be at risk of abuse. Staff know how to report their concerns about the welfare of a child. They are aware of the dangers of extreme views and behaviours and know the actions to take should they become concerned about the conduct of a colleague.