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About Ultimate Activity Camps At Rose Hill School
Ultimate Activity Camps At Rose Hill School
Rose Hill School, Coniston Avenue, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9SY
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their day at camp. They make friends easily and form close relationships with the adults who look after them.
There is a lively, engaging and fun atmosphere evident throughout the camp. Children's individual needs are met exceptionally well. Staff gather detailed information from parents before camp starts to make sure they fully understand, and consistently meet, every child's needs.
New children, and those who are less confident, are supported extremely well. Staff are mindful about quickly putting children at ease and listening to any concerns a child, or parent, may have. The morning drop-off ...routine is organised well so that children quickly engage in activities and settle into their group easily.
Children confirm how settled they feel with the staff. They say they know they can talk to staff if they are nervous or worried. Children understand staff will help them and keep them safe.
Children behave well. They are kind and courteous to each other and cooperate well together during group activities. Children develop a healthy competitive spirit during favourite events, such as the pedal kart races.
They eagerly cheer their team mates on but also show respect by congratulating the winning side and all those who took part.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The camp is managed extremely well. The manager works tirelessly to make sure all staff are fully supported, and children are always engaged in fun, exciting activities.
Staff are trained well. They complete a detailed pre-camp induction programme and thoroughly understand all written policies and procedures.Staff are highly qualified with a good range of skills and expertise in working with children.
They successfully create a fun atmosphere while still ensuring children understand the simple rules they have to keep everyone safe.Head office staff provide an extensive amount of support, both prior to the camp running, and during the camp's opening period. Leaders have high expectations.
They carry out unannounced visits regularly to check that camps are running effectively and in line with their high expectations. Leaders and staff aim to provide a high-quality experience for children. This vision is reflected in all areas of practice.
Children's health is promoted well. Children and staff follow stringent hygiene procedures and children are cared for in age-related groups to minimise the spread of any COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreaks. Children fully understand the importance of washing their hands regularly and making sure they drink plenty of water during hot weather.
Staff organise the daily timetable carefully to make sure children are protected from the hot sun and any inclement weather.Staff plan an exciting range of activities for children of all ages and abilities. Children have excellent opportunities to develop new skills and learn new games.
As children move into the next age group, there is clear progression and an enhanced level of challenge. For example, the youngest children start with age-appropriate activities, such as parachute games, and the the oldest children learn how to play combat archery with skilled tuition.Staff value children's ideas and input.
They frequently ask children to share their views and respond positively to their suggestions. For example, when children ask to play different games, staff welcome this. They encourage children to share their ideas with their friends and teach staff new games.
Parents receive plenty of information about the camp. They talk to staff each day and share any concerns. Staff listen and are responsive to any changes which may need to be made.
Prior to camp, head office staff work closely with parents to identify any adaptations to the camp's timetable to make sure every child is welcomed and fully included.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children's safety is given the highest priority.
Staff are exceptionally vigilant about teaching children simple safety rules. They show children how to use equipment safely and carry out detailed risk assessments for every camp activity. Children are supervised closely at all times and staff are confident to challenge any unauthorised adults on the school site.
Children and staff regularly practise emergency procedures to make sure they know what to do in various situations. Staff fully understand their role in safeguarding children. They are appropriately trained and know what action to take if they have concerns about a child's welfare.