United Adventure Camps - Cundall Manor School

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About United Adventure Camps - Cundall Manor School

Name United Adventure Camps - Cundall Manor School
Address Cundall Manor School, Cundall, YORK, YO61 2RW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy a wide range of exciting activities at this fun and friendly camp. They take part in swimming sessions, arts and craft activities and bushcraft experiences. Staff provide good support for children's personal, social and emotional development.

They build strong relationships with children and help new children to settle quickly. Parents say their children look forward to attending. Children are very confident, busy and engaged in their play.

Staff encourage them to share, take turns and play cooperatively together. They support children to manage their feelings and emotions very well. The manager gives clear ...reminders of the camp's rules, so children know what is expected of them.

These include being kind to friends and being confident to ask for help if needed. Staff provide time for children to prepare to move on to the next activity. They give plenty of clear praise and encouragement.

This helps to develop children's confidence and self-esteem. Staff provide secure daily routines and an emphasis on consistency, which helps children to feel happy, safe and secure. They support children's growing independence well.

Staff encourage children to tidy away and to put their own items into their bags. They support children to learn good hygiene routines, such as washing their hands before lunch.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Relationships between staff and children are friendly and supportive.

Each child is welcomed warmly and individually by the manager on arrival. Staff know children well and relationships between them are caring and fun. It is obvious that children and staff enjoy each other's company.

Staff are patient and kind. They help children to quickly resolve any conflicts that arise. Children receive stickers for being kind and helpful.

Staff encourage them to come up with solutions to simple problems. They show that they value children's contributions and ideas.Children have daily access to fresh air and exercise.

They benefit from activities to build their strength and coordination. For example, children balance on blocks as part of an obstacle course. They take part in group exercises as part of the daily routine.

Children develop their physical skills in the spacious, enclosed garden. Here, they climb steps to a slide, run, stretch and play with hoops. Children develop their smaller muscles through craft activities, such as colouring in and cutting out pictures of wizards' hats.

Staff plan rich opportunities for children to explore nature and enjoy green space. Children take part in daily trips to adjacent woodland. They enjoy taking part in bushcraft and forest school activities.

Staff talk to children at snack time about healthy eating. They encourage children to choose healthier options.Children take part in group activities but staff also support them to choose toys and resources independently.

Staff gather children's views on activities and include them in helping to plan experiences for the following week.Overall, staff support children to be confident communicators. They give clear instructions but do not always check that all children are listening.

The manager recognises this, however, and plans to develop further strategies to help to support children's listening and attention skills.The manager and staff have built strong partnerships with parents, who speak highly of the camp. Parents praise the activities on offer, the positive attitude of staff and the good systems in place for communication.

Staff provide strong support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Parents say they are reassured by the kind and caring approach of staff and their depth of understanding of their children's needs.The camp has a strong relationship with the school, on whose site the camp is situated.

Parents say they like the joined-up working between the school and camp, as it helps their children to settle.The camp is very well run. The active and hands-on manager has put in place strong support for his staff team.

This includes support through inductions, training and meetings.The manager has developed effective systems for gathering the views of parents and children. He demonstrates a positive attitude towards the continuous improvement of the camp.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know what might give them a concern about a child in relation to safeguarding. They understand the procedures to take to help keep children safe.

The manager shows a robust awareness of his role and responsibilities relating to keeping children safe. This includes a range of aspects of safeguarding. Staff complete safeguarding training and keep their knowledge up to date.

They have a strong awareness of how to teach children to keep themselves safe and healthy. For example, staff teach children how to carefully use scissors and how to swim. The entrance to the camp is secure and staff use a passcode system to help to ensure that children are collected safely.

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Cundall Manor School

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