United Adventure Camps - Moorlands School

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About United Adventure Camps - Moorlands School

Name United Adventure Camps - Moorlands School
Address Moorlands School, Fox Hill Drive, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS16 5PF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Leaders and managers have taken appropriate steps to address the actions from the last inspection.

There is a now a paediatric first aider on site at all times. In addition, staff are now familiar about the procedures to follow should an allegation be made against a member of staff. They have a firm understanding of safeguarding procedures overall.

Children are extremely confident. They settle very quickly in the setting. They benefit from the social interactions with their peers, which helps them to develop their communication skills and build relationships with others.

Staff support children to extend their voca...bulary. They enter into meaningful conversations with them as they talk about their activities and things they enjoy doing at home. Children enjoy the range of activities provided and are confident to seek out staff for instruction and guidance.

Children form positive relationships with staff. Even younger children quickly learn the routine of the day and understand what is expected of them. Children willingly participate in the wide range of activities provided for them.

They are excited to join with their friends for swimming sessions and outdoor activities. They engage in group activities and know how to safely move around the large site with clear instructions from staff. Ultimately, children feel safe, secure and settled.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have access to a range of activities to support their physical development. They are excited to participate in the swimming sessions, and dodgeball games. They enjoy balancing on the climbing apparatus and play basketball.

They develop their fine motor skills as they skilfully create their craft creations. Staff support them to develop their skills further as they offer instruction in specific activities.Children learn about healthy options as staff talk to them about their snacks.

They know which foods give them energy and that water keeps them hydrated following their active play sessions. They benefit from outdoor play and activities, which contribute to their coordination and gross motor skills.Staff closely supervise children as they move around the site to access different activities.

They conduct regular headcounts and are vigilant when tradespeople are in attendance. They ensure risk assessments take account of the differing activities and work closely with the host school to ensure children's safety. Staff complete site-specific risk assessments to ensure the environment is suitable, both prior to children attending and throughout the sessions.

Staff teach children about fire safety. They expertly manage children during practise fire evacuations, ensuring there are regular headcounts. They talk to children about why evacuations are necessary.

This contributes to children knowing how to keep themselves safe.Children demonstrate excellent behaviour. They know the boundaries and rules of the setting as staff carefully offer briefings before activities.

Children show kindness towards their friends. They check they are ok when playing ball games and apologise for accidently hitting them with the ball. Staff give constant praise and support to children.

They encourage them to try new activities. This contributes to their growing self-esteem.Children's independence is promoted well.

Staff encourage them to tidy up after themselves at snack time. Younger children are encouraged to find and put on their coats ready for outdoor activities and gather their swimwear. Staff support children to learn about good hygiene as they independently wash their hands after outdoor play and before food.

Parents spoken with express satisfaction with the variety of activities and opportunities for the children. They feel the children are in a safe environment and value the access to the outdoors.Leaders ensure robust recruitment procedures are adopted.

The procedures in place ensure that staff's initial and ongoing suitability can be determined. Management ensure staff continue to develop their skills and understanding of working with children, by providing specific training to meet children's needs.Leaders evaluate the provision by seeking feedback from parents, children and the host school.

Staff evaluate the effectiveness of sessions which enables them to consider changes they may want to make to improve activities further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Moorlands School Children’s Corner Childcare LLP (Moorlands)

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