Upminster Little Learners Day Nursery

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About Upminster Little Learners Day Nursery

Name Upminster Little Learners Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 124 and 126 Upminster Road, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 6PL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are extremely happy and excited when they come into this excellent nursery. They eagerly ask the staff what they will be learning today.

Parents feel very comfortable and are highly welcomed. For instance, children develop very high levels of self-esteem and are so eager to share information with the staff and talk fondly of their new pets, close family, and friends. They have exceptionally warm, secure relationships with other children and staff, which helps give them a deep sense of belonging.

Children's imaginations are marvellous. Through staff's high-quality interactions, new vocabulary and concept...s are explored. During an autumn walk, they run and sit on the fallen logs, confidently explaining that they're on a 'see-saw'.

Older children know the difference between 2d shapes and 3d shapes. They confidently recognise pyramids, cubes and cylinders in their play. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

They have extremely positive attitudes to play with high levels of concentration. There is a clear plan to maximise children's learning throughout the environment. Children are immersed in a rich array of resources and learning opportunities.

Here, children expand their ideas and become fully engrossed in their learning. All children make excellent progress in all areas of learning and development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The quality of teaching is exceptional.

The extremely knowledgeable staff team seamlessly expand upon children's ideas by building on their interests. For example, a child's interest in space becomes an opportunity for children to make a detailed plan to go into space and, together, they build a cardboard rocket, to get them there. This skilful planning means children become totally engrossed in their learning.

This impacts significantly on what children know, remember, and understand.Staff take every opportunity to talk with children. They skilfully use these conversations to develop children's communication and language skills.

Children are developing an extensive vocabulary. For example, they introduce complex language, such as 'crescent' and explain that it is part of the moon, while making moon pictures using grey paint. The book of the week is threaded into discussions and play.

This helps younger children to use and understand more complex words, like 'craters, moon buggy and moon rock'.Staff expertly support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to succeed in their learning. They quickly identify any gaps in learning and use effective strategies to meet individual learning needs.

Well-informed decisions about the use of additional funding mean that children benefit from highly exciting new experiences. All children make excellent progress from their starting points.Staff promote children's literacy skills exceptionally well.

This starts with staff sharing books with toddlers, who get a superb introduction through listening to sounds, rhyme, and repetition. This gradual progression then enables older children to start to blend the sounds they have learned. During a phonic session, older children explain that the word 'curly' begins with sound 'c' and the word 'kicking' begins with the sound 'k'.

Later, they blend these together to make new words, such as 'castanets'.Staff build great partnerships with parents and carers. Parents report that their children thrive here and cannot praise staff enough.

They comment on the outstanding progress that their children make. Parents say that they know what their children are currently learning and how they can continue to support them at home.Children are at the centre of the curriculum.

Staff expertly help children to develop their mathematical skills. For example, children enjoy playing with the sink or float game for long periods of time. They are thrilled to see that when the boat gets 'heavy', it sinks to the bottom.

Staff masterfully extend this by encouraging children to use their critical thinking skills and find other items to test.Children are learning to become responsible citizens. They take responsibility for the environment and learn about respecting others and different values.

Staff plan and celebrate monthly 'International Days'. Children develop a deep positive sense of self and a respect of difference and diversity. For instance, they sing and dance to different cultural music and taste and cook foods.

Children learn about the importance of diet through staff discussions at meal times. Staff provide highly nutritious meals, that often are chosen by the children. Staff listen to children's views and help them make decisions early in their life.

Children learn to develop their likes and dislikes.Leaders are passionate about providing high-quality learning experiences for children. They show tireless dedication to the well-being and professional development of their staff team.

Staff find creative new ideas through the time that leaders allow them to dedicate to reading journals and accessing learning. This keeps learning fresh and ensures that staff continually reflect on the ambitious curriculum offered to all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The setting has a strong culture of safeguarding. All staff access regular training and have an excellent understanding of their role in protecting children. They can recognise the many forms that abuse may take and know how to respond to signs that a child is at risk.

Children actively take part in the risk assessment of their environment on a daily basis. They are taking responsibility for their own safety and that of their friends by recognising any potential risks. The management team completes robust recruitment and induction procedures to ensure that those working with children are suitable and that safeguarding messages are consistent.

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