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About Vallis Out Of School Club
Vallis Out Of School Club
Vallis First School, Milk Street, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3DB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily, they settle quickly to activities and chat about their day with their friends and the staff. Children are eager to join in with the wide range of activities that staff plan for them. For example, when playing schools children take the register to check that everyone has arrived.
Outside, children run around to let off steam, play ball games or draw pictures with chalk on the playground floor.Inside, children choose from a good variety of activities, such as drawing and puzzles. They thoroughly enjoy building with a range of construction and engage well with one another as they discuss the different patterns... they create with the flower shapes.
They solve problems as they carefully place magnetic shapes to ensure they balance without falling over. Children experiment together to see how fast a small toy car can travel down the inside of the towers and guess which car will be the quickest. They are very proud to show one another how they have built tall towers and compare the height to see which is the tallest.
Children clearly enjoy attending the club and engage well with the staff and each other. Their behaviour is good.Since the last inspection, the provider has taken appropriate action to make improvements.
Staff now have a better understanding of the safeguarding policy and procedures. This means that staff now know the procedure to follow if they were to have a concern about a child or adult at the setting.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children show a positive attitude.
They learn to respect one another and the club's rules. Staff have clear and consistent expectations for children's behaviour. As a result, children listen well to staff, know what staff expect of them and behave well.
Staff know the children well. They ensure all children feel comfortable, safe and secure. Staff understand children's individual likes and interests.
Staff work closely with the parents and school staff to find out information about each child to best support their individual needs. Children's emotional well-being is fostered well. Staff recognise that, on occasion, some children may need extra emotional support and enable children to have time to talk with them.
Staff engage well with the children in conversation and boost their self-esteem and confidence. Staff ensure that children have plenty of opportunities for fresh air and exercise. For instance, children enjoy team games, such as football.
They talk excitedly about enjoying dancing and keep fit classes.Partnerships with parents are good. Parents comment on how much children love attending the after-school club.
Staff ensure that they communicate well with the parents and let them know about what their children are doing to help ensure children continue to enjoy attending the club and feel happy.The provider and staff continually evaluate and consider ways to further develop and improve the provision. Staff have attended 'PlayPod' training, which has given them ideas to encourage children's imagination and creativity.
They have painted old tyres in bright colours for the children to use for planting and growing. Staff ensure that all children's views are listened to and respected. Children's ideas for activities are always considered and included whenever possible.
Children enjoy a healthy snack and are encouraged to drink plenty of fluid to keep them hydrated. They engage in conversations with staff and one another about healthy food choices. Although children understand the importance of following good hygiene routines, some children do not wash their hands before eating their snack and staff do not encourage them.
The manager and staff benefit from regular supervision meetings. Training is encouraged to enhance staff's skills and knowledge, which is then used to benefit the children. Recent training has enhanced staff's understanding of safeguarding, which further protects children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff can identify the signs or symptoms which may indicate that a child is at risk of harm. Staff understand how to report safeguarding concerns.
Since the last inspection, staff have updated their safeguarding knowledge and completed safeguarding training. They understand their safeguarding responsibilities. Children play in a safe and secure space.
Risk assessment procedures are robust. Staff check the environment before children attend and take steps to minimise risks when necessary. Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to help ensure staff suitability.