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About WASPS (Waterbeach After School Play Scheme)
WASPS (Waterbeach After School Play Scheme)
The Waterbeach Playhouse, High Street, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9JU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive back at the club after school with enthusiasm.
They are keen to select activities of their choosing and begin their games, activities or snack. Children behave well and are considerate of others. For example, they spontaneously share their paper when they hear that a friend cannot find a piece.
Children enjoy outdoor activities. They play football, challenge themselves on the monkey bars and climb confidently. Children enjoy weekly science, technology, engineering and mathematic activities.
These are delivered by the chairperson, who carefully promotes problem-solving and allows children time to te...st ideas, for example, to create a motorised vehicle. Children are really engaged in these activities and the younger children enjoy learning from older children as they adapt their designs together.Children play an active role in the club.
A children's council gives children good opportunities to raise their views and ideas, as well as voting on what resources they wish to purchase with fundraising money. Children say that they love the food, playing football and playing outside. One child says that 'everything's very enjoyable' at the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager knows the children and their current interests well. This enables her and her staff to set up a warm and welcoming environment that reflects these or activities they started before school and want to finish. The manager knows that when children have had a busy day at school, they want to come into a friendly environment where they can follow their interests, expel their energy, sit quietly and get something to eat.
Children enjoy the company of the manager and her staff. Some read books to staff, who listen attentively. Others set up games of football or create and display posters about a 'mystery' they need solved.
Since beginning her role as manager, she has improved staff deployment and their interaction with children. This means that more challenging play equipment, such as the monkey bars, are well supervised at all times. Children show that they are aware of how to keep themselves safe too.
They explain that before they fall from the monkey bars, they shout 'timber' in case there is anyone underneath them.Children behave well. They understand their own limitations and any minor behavioural issues are dealt with well, using distraction and challenge to redirect children's play.
The committee is very supportive of the manager and staff. They make decisions in the best interests of the children and staff. They regularly monitor the quality of the provision through meetings with the manager and visits to the club.
Recruitment procedures are robust, which ensures that children are cared for by suitable staff. The well-being of staff is given high consideration.Parents are happy with the provision.
They like the activities on offer to their children and appreciate that these are led by the children's own interests. Some parents report that their children do no want to go home when they arrive to collect them and that this means their children are happy and settled.The manager has clear arrangements in place for staff supervision.
Children benefit from being cared for by knowledgeable and reflective staff. Induction procedures are secure and ensure that staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities.Each early years child has a key person.
Staff work closely with the adjoining school so that they have a detailed overview of children's development and so can address any gaps in children's learning using a shared approach.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff understand their responsibility to protect children from harm and neglect.
This enables them to take appropriate action should they have a concern about a child in their care. Staff have a secure understanding of wider safeguarding issues and how they would protect children in these incidences. This includes what they would do if they thought a child was being radicalised or if they had a concern about a colleague's behaviour towards a child.