Wakitu Kids

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About Wakitu Kids

Name Wakitu Kids
Address Wilthorpe Primary School, Greenfoot Lane, Barnsley, S75 1AQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a well-organised environment that children independently access. They incorporate children's different interests and needs. Staff provide a quiet area for reading, storage units with a wide variety of games, small-world resources and lots of construction sets for children.

They offer a large creative area to ensure that children have a wide selection of activities, as many children have shown an interest in making and creating. Children work together to create paintings using different types of paint. They confidently discuss with their friends what they are drawing and what they could add.

Children are keen t...o share their creations with staff and the other children. They praise each other and value others' thoughts and ideas. Staff support children's well-being.

They listen to children and value their opinions and ideas. Staff invite children to have a go when they suggest how to adapt an activity. They take time to sit and play games with children and encourage them to keep trying.

Children's behaviour is excellent. They are respectful to their friends and staff. Older children support their younger friends when they play together with the ball.

They introduce them to new ideas. All children are kind and caring towards each other. They build meaningful relationships.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff carry out daily risk assessments of the school grounds to ensure children's safety. They have also updated relevant policies and procedures. Staff provide children with a safe and secure environment to play in.

Staff have an excellent relationship with the teachers at the host school. They communicate with them daily to ensure that children are well supported at the club. Staff receive information about children who may need more support on certain days, such as if their day at school has been different to usual.

Children are very happy at the club.Children demonstrate good levels of independence. They choose their own activities, meet their personal care needs and collect their own belongings at the end of the session.

Staff encourage children to tidy up the toys when an activity is finished.Staff support children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Children all wash their hands as they arrive at the club and before snack times.

Staff provide nutritious snacks which cater to all children's individual dietary needs. Children also have access to a large outside play area, where they can run and play with balls. Children learn the importance of being healthy and active.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported. Staff work closely with the host school and parents to ensure that children have the best care. They ensure that children have a positive experience while at the club.

Children are well supported as they play.Staff have a good knowledge of the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child could be at risk of harm. Staff know who to contact if they have a concern for a child's welfare.

They ensure that any records of accidents or incidents are shared with the parents and school if children attend at breakfast time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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