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The Rear of 76-78 Warwick Gardens, London, W14 8PR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement The provider plans a wide variety of learning opportunities to extend children's cultural capital, such as music and movement classes. Staff generally understand children's learning needs and want them to be ready for school.
However, at times, they do not implement the curriculum flexibly enough to consistently support all children to make good progress. For example, staff do not always use children's interests to engage children in purposeful play. However, staff are kind and caring.
They give children reassurance and cuddles when they become upset, which helps children to build a trusting relationship with them. Older ...children chat to staff about their drawings and become confident in social groups.Children enjoy spending lots of time outdoors.
Staff teach them about nature and how to care for the environment. Children help staff to collect fallen apples and water the vegetables they grow. They explore natural materials, such as leaves and soil, as they pretend to go on a bear hunt.
Children gain confidence in their physical abilities. They run, balance and are excited to use the tree swing. Staff teach children to keep themselves safe, such as reminding them not to run near the roots of the tree.
Children sit with their friends in the 'outdoor library'. They independently select books and carefully turn the pages.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff generally interact well with children to support their learning.
They model how to use resources, such as construction toys, which helps children to develop their coordination. Staff observe what children can do and identify their next steps in their learning.Staff do not support children's learning consistently well.
They plan experiences for all children to participate in that do not always consider children's current abilities. For example, staff encourage very young children to take part in large-group activities before they have developed the ability to maintain this level of attention. This impacts on how well children develop positive attitudes to their learning.
The provider supports staff through regular supervision meetings to discuss their practice. However, these opportunities are not used well, as there are weaknesses in staff's knowledge of how to support children's learning to a consistently good level.There are suitable arrangements in place to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Staff liaise with parents and other professionals to put individual plans in place to meet children's needs. As a result, these children make good progress.All children have an allocated key person.
Staff generally know children's interests and information about their home lives. However, they do not consistently use this information to plan activities to engage children in meaningful play. This means that some children become disinterested and wander around aimlessly, which impacts on the progress they can make.
Children learn to follow simple instructions and rules. For example, older children learn to wait for their turn on the swing by counting down using number cards. Children put their belongings away after lunch.
This helps children to learn to manage their own behaviour.Parents state that their children are happy at the setting. They appreciate staff's flexible approach when their children are settling in.
Staff share information about children's learning and give parents suggestions of things that they can do at home with their children. The provider plans social events, such as Diwali celebrations, to build relationships with families.Children develop an interest in books and stories.
Staff plan activities based on children's favourite books to bring stories to life. Children recall repeated phrases and join in with the storytelling, which helps to develop their vocabulary. Staff generally interact well with children.
At times, they ask older children questions to promote their thinking skills.Staff teach children about good hygiene. Children learn to cover their faces when they cough and sneeze, and older children learn to blow their own noses.
All children learn to wash their hands before meals. This prepares children well for later life.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date improve the implementation of the curriculum to ensure that it is tailored to meet all children's learning needs, particularly the youngest children 31/10/2024 provide training and support for staff to develop their understanding of how children learn and improve their teaching skills.31/10/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the key-person arrangements so staff develop a deep understanding of children's needs and use this to support them to make the best possible progress.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.