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The Mobile Unit, Welford Sibbertoft & Sulby Endowed School, West Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 6HU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children confidently say goodbye to their parents and/or carers when they arrive at the pre-school. Staff greet children warmly and encourage them to put their lunch boxes and drink bottles away. Children benefit from a curriculum that builds on what they already know and can do.
For example, staff share the story of 'The Gruffalo' with children. Later, children become highly engaged in a 'Gruffalo' hunt outside with their friends and recall parts of the story.Staff support children to develop a healthy lifestyle.
At snack time, children try different healthy foods. Children have many opportunities to develop their phy...sical skills in the outside area. They race around on bikes, negotiating space successfully.
Children tell visitors to the setting that they have learned how to pedal a bike, after being confident in the use of a balance bike. Staff also support children to take and manage appropriate risks. Children excitedly problem-solve how to travel between two tyres by using a log.
They hold their arms out to help them balance as they try and cross.Staff encourage children to care for each other. Older children help those younger than themselves to reach a seashell from the water tray.
Staff praise children when they use good manners, such as saying 'excuse me' and 'thank you'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the last inspection, the manager has worked hard to meet the actions set. She has reviewed the procedures for checking the identity of visitors to the pre-school.
Staff are now clear on what they want children to learn during activities. The manager can identify what the pre-school does well and what she would like to do next to continue to improve. This includes introducing an electronic communication system for parents.
Staff recognise the experiences children have at home and plan to expand on these and provide additional opportunities. For example, children share their unique experiences of going on holiday on an aeroplane to visit a different country. From this, staff help other children to learn about holidays and provide opportunities for them to go on a pretend holiday in the setting, on 'Welford Airlines'.
Children find their seat using their numbered tickets and order a drink and snack from the trolley.Staff's interactions with children are of a consistently high quality. Many natural conversations and discussions evolve between staff and children throughout the day.
Staff ask thoughtful questions to assess and develop children's knowledge and understanding. On some occasions, staff are sometimes so enthusiastic to develop children's learning that they ask a lot of questions in quick succession. This means children do not always have time to consider how to respond before they are asked a further question.
Overall, staff support children to understand the routines of the day. This helps children to understand what is happening now and what to expect next. On occasions, transition times, such as getting ready to go outside, can be a little chaotic.
This means that some children are not always sure what to do.Staff consistently introduce children to new vocabulary. They check children understand what the new words they are learning mean.
For example, when building a train track, staff introduce the words 'attract' and 'repel' to children when using magnets to join a train and carriages together. Later, children become engrossed in a mathematical activity with staff. They use mathematical vocabulary with confidence, such as 'cylinder' and 'balancing'.
Children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well. Staff find out all about children's individual needs and work alongside other agencies and other settings children attend to provide effective support. Staff regularly attend training to develop their understanding of supporting children who have SEND.
Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the care the pre-school provides. They comment that they have regular conversations with their child's key person. Parents explain how the pre-school staff provide ideas to help them support their children's learning at home.
They comment how they enjoy the regular stay-and-play sessions and how all staff at the pre-school are kind and approachable.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff can confidently identify signs and indicators that children may be at risk of potential abuse.
They know who to pass on their concerns to about a child, or if there is an allegation against a member of staff. Staff work in line with local authority partnership guidance. Staff complete regular training, and the manager makes sure that their knowledge and understanding of all safeguarding issues is secure.
Robust recruitment procedures are in place for employing new staff. When new staff start, they undertake a thorough induction process so they have a secure knowledge of how to keep children safe at the pre-school.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nallow children more time to respond to questions before moving on consider the organisation of transition times so that all children know what to do.