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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children of all ages are happy and settled at this welcoming and nurturing nursery.
Babies are confident. They create their own game of peekaboo with resources they find, giggling while they play. They proudly show new people pictures of their family members and their favourite toys.
This shows they feel safe and are already developing a strong level of independence. Babies enjoy exploring new textures as they dig in sand and develop the muscles in their hands as they create designs with dough. Toddlers flourish during outdoor play experiences.
They learn to negotiate steps and to ride wheeled toys. They chase... the enormous shimmering bubbles they create using rope, laughing as they manage to pop them. Toddlers also learn how to express and recognise their emotions and needs in a positive manner.
As a result, children play harmoniously. Staff and leaders provide children with even greater levels of support in relation to their communication and language as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Children have access to books wherever they play.
They develop their vocabulary well, thanks to the excellently modelled speech of the staff team. Children remain engaged and focused in their learning as staff bring stories to life with their animated delivery. Older children are confident, independent and have exceptional communication skills.
They develop a variety of skills, ability and knowledge to prepare them for the next stage in their educational journey.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, managers and staff have taken positive action to address the recommendations from the previous inspection. Routines during the nursery day now flow naturally, with staff responding fluidly to children's interests and focus.
Staff skilfully and sensitively support children in their learning. As a result, children demonstrate deep focus in activities and become fully immersed in their learning experiences.Throughout the nursery, observations and assessments of all children are now consistently sharply focused and rigorous.
Staff know children very well. They understand precisely what each child can do, what the next steps are in their learning and how to help children achieve these. As a result, children make good progress from their starting points and are well prepared for their eventual move to school.
The professional development of leaders and the staff team is a particular strength of the nursery. Staff demonstrate the appetite and desire to keep on improving their own practice. They reflect on their own standards and act upon the constructive feedback of the management team.
Leaders research what will most profoundly benefit children's long-term development and are beginning to equip staff with the knowledge to put changes in place.Partnership working with parents is highly effective. Staff provide a wealth of information for parents, including what their children are learning, their developmental progress and ideas to consolidate learning at home.
Parents have nothing but praise for the nursery. They comment that staff could not do any more to help them support their children's learning at home.Nursery leaders have a clear understanding of the overall curriculum focus for children at the nursery.
They place children's social and emotional development high on the agenda. This is consistently well implemented by the well-qualified and experienced staff team. As a result, children from a very young age develop self-confidence, an understanding of what makes them unique, and the importance of valuing and respecting others' feelings.
Overall, staff encourage children to do many things for themselves and develop independence in their play and learning. However, this is occasionally inconsistent. At times, staff help children to do things that they can do alone.
This limits the otherwise effective support in this area.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and managers ensure that all staff have an in-depth knowledge of their safeguarding responsibilities.
Staff ensure that rigorous procedures are in place to keep the nursery premises secure. In addition, staff receive regular training to keep their knowledge up to date. As a result, staff are clear on the procedures to follow if they are worried about a child.
Leaders ensure that the information on how to report concerns is readily available for a number of bordering local authorities. Leaders are well informed about the specifically prevalent safeguarding challenges in their local authority, including their precise local area.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen support for staff so that they better understand how to promote children's developing independence consistently.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.