West Hill Life Ltd At Saint Paulinus Primary School

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About West Hill Life Ltd At Saint Paulinus Primary School

Name West Hill Life Ltd At Saint Paulinus Primary School
Address St. Paulinus C of E Primary School, Iron Mill Lane, Crayford, DARTFORD, DA1 4RW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter the club happy and excited at the end of the school day. They say 'hello' to their friends and answer staff's questions about how their day has been.

Children are familiar with the routine and hang up their bags and coats. They then sit down to a quiet activity to wait for the register to be called once everyone has arrived. Staff incorporate children's views and ideas.

They allow them to help with deciding which resources they would like out. Children go with staff to choose a selection of resources and explain why they would like that today. Having this choice ensures that children are very engaged through...out the session, and they play collaboratively.

Children's behaviour is good. They talk about the raffle system the club runs with excitement. Children share that each time they are kind, do something nice or behave extremely well they are given a raffle ticket.

This raffle ticket is placed in a box and at the end of the term a ticket is pulled out and the winner can choose a prize. Children say that the more tickets they have, the better chance they have of getting a prize and so they want to be helpful and kind to each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children who attend well.

They cater to children's interests and ages and stages of development when allowing them to pick which resources they would like out. Staff talk about the growth of children's confidence and social skills since they have attended the club.Children at the club say that they really enjoy coming and would like to come every day.

They enjoy the extra time they get to spend with their friends after school, as well as the activities that are available each day. Children particularly say they enjoy the variety of arts and crafts they get to do and show off some giant snow flakes they have made recently.Older children are kind and considerate.

When they notice younger children are not feeling well, they check in and ask if they can get them anything to play with until they go home. When icing biscuits, children share materials, such as icing and toppings, and pass the bowl around without prompting. Children form friendships across age groups.

They show support for each other, such as, by cheering each other on during a game of table tennis.Children within the setting are extremely confident. Staff offer them lots of praise and encouragement.

They talk to children about their strengths and their unique abilities and skills. Children are eager to share these with visitors, such as playing the piano in the hall with great passion ready for their next recital.The club promotes healthy lifestyles to children.

During the first half of the session, staff leave a fruit bowl on one of the tables. Children know they can go and wash their hands and help themselves to a piece of fruit. Staff offer a range of nutritious meals, such as lasagne and garlic bread and wraps with a variety of fillings that children can choose and make themselves.

Children confidently select ham, cheese and various salad items to make their wraps.Partnership with parents and carers is good. Parents speak extremely highly of the club and praise the environment that staff create for children.

They describe staff as warm and welcoming. Parents appreciate the flexibility of the club and being able to add additional sessions if working shift patterns. They feel the club allows them to go to work knowing that they children are safe, happy and taken care of well.

Staff at the club feel well supported. They have regular opportunities to meet with managers, area managers and other support staff to talk about their own professional development and training. Leaders at the club are reflective in their practice.

They regular give out feedback questionnaires to find out what it is they are doing well and areas for improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St Paulinus Church of England Primary School

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