West Park Childcare Club

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About West Park Childcare Club

Name West Park Childcare Club
Address West Park Middle School, Marlborough Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 4HD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children eagerly look forward to attending the after-school club. Staff build up strong bonds with the children and demonstrate this as they greet children when they arrive. Staff support children to be independent.

For example, children take responsibility for putting away their own belongings and helping each other with snacks. Staff ask children to pour drinks for each other and count out how much food is needed. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour.

They create clear rules and boundaries which the children know well. Children enthusiastically call out the club's rules, such as 'You must listen when oth...ers are talking' and 'You must always be kind'.Staff plan a variety of activities which children enjoy.

Children are involved in creating a programme of activities that they find exciting. Staff listen to the activities that children suggest that they would like to do next and plan accordingly. This helps children to feel a sense of belonging and know that they are listened to.

Children state that staff are friendly and kind and that they do fun things with them. Staff take time to get to know all the children well and take an interest in them. They sit with the children and ask them about their day at school, their family and home life.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles. Children eat a range of fruits and vegetables and enjoy running around outside in the fresh air. They know that they must wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet.

Children do this without being prompted to do so.Staff have strong links with teachers from the school. This allows them to share and receive important information about all children, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Parents' feedback states that they are happy with the quality of the activities at the club and the communication that they receive.Staff support children's behaviour effectively. They model respectful language and support children to look after toys and resources.

Any minor disagreements between children are dealt with quickly and fairly by staff. Staff are calm around the children, and this has a positive impact on the way children behave. Children know that they must share and take turns and always show kindness.

Staff report that their well-being is high at the club. They say that leaders and managers are approachable and kind. Staff say that working at the club is extremely rewarding and that leaders and managers take account of their views and opinions.

This helps them to feel recognised and valued.A key strength of the club is the positive interactions that children receive from the staff. Children demonstrate that they feel relaxed and settled in the presence of adults.

Staff praise children for their perseverance during a craft activity. Children are keen to show the inspector what they have made. They beam with pride as they say 'can you look at what I have made? Do you like it?'.

Staff use children's current interests to plan for future activities. This helps children to remain engaged and motivated. Children become very animated and excited during a game of 'Bingo'.

They demonstrate a competitive spirit and older children kindly help the younger children to find and tick off the right numbers. However, there are times during the session when noise levels become exceptionally high and very distracting. Consequently, some of the quieter children struggle to remain focused and do not enjoy a relaxing and calm environment.

Leaders and managers have robust procedures in place to help keep children safe at the club. Staff undergo a stringent induction to prove their suitability to be around children. Staff have a clear understanding of why and how they must keep children safe.

They are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse, including what they need to do should they have concerns about the behaviour of a colleague.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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