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West Rise Community Infant School, Chaffinch Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 7SL
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children feel safe and secure within the homely nursery.
They are highly motivated to learn and engage in the unique experiences with the other children and the adults. For example, the children are encouraged to explore the nature garden to learn about minibeasts and how the seasons change. Leaders describe how they want the children to reconnect with nature.
They ensure that children are offered experiences to do this. For example, they visited the local pond to observe a swan nest containing eggs. Children are encouraged to learn about their brains and how breathing techniques can help them to calm when feeling sad ...or angry.
Staff understand that for children to be ready to learn they need to feel settled and be able to manage their emotions. Therefore, staff place a high importance on helping children regulate their behaviour. This has a positive impact on the children.
Children show that they understand their feelings and can talk about them. The staff make good use of drama, music and puppets to encourage the children to develop their speech and language and imagination in an exciting way.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are given opportunities to use real equipment in their play and routines.
For example, they use real china cups and plates for snack. The leader explains how this enables the children to prepare for the real world and develops their independence.Children are encouraged to understand and celebrate their different cultural backgrounds.
Staff get to know the families well and prepare the environment to ensure that the books, toys and equipment in the nursery are familiar to them. For example, there is a tagine cooking pot in the home corner.Leaders carefully plan experiences to encourage a sense of awe and wonder in the children.
For example, children are provided with unusual objects, such as Russian Dolls, thimbles and different-textured items. Staff use these resources to promote children's descriptive skills and increase their vocabulary.The nursery leader has strong partnerships with the headteacher of the school on the same site.
The nursery leader and staff plan activities to encourage their independence, setting up the environment to promote self-selection, for example. This allows for a smooth transition from nursery to Reception Class.Parents are very positive about the varied experiences their children have and how staff communicate with them.
For example, a parent describes how the children observed ducklings hatch and grow. The staff shared the experience with the parents, and this became a topic of conversation within the family, who all shared a sense of awe and wonder. The parent explains how this improved their child's confidence and language.
Staff know and understand the children very well. Children have their needs met and their interests built on to promote development. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well.
Staff work well with parents and outside agencies. Staff involve children with SEND in all aspects of nursery life. Parents describe how well staff have supported their child's needs.
Staff skilfully encourage children's learning so that they can learn in all areas while following their interests. For example, children experience the feel of different materials in a water tray and are supported to develop their imaginative skills as they begin to wash baby dolls in the trays.Staff know their key children well and what they need to learn next.
They understand the planned learning for more structured learning experiences. However, some staff are less secure about how to use more spontaneous learning opportunities to support the overall aims of the curriculum. This means that some meaningful learning opportunities may be lost.
Children show respect for the environment and each other. Staff set high expectations for children's behaviour. They skilfully support children to share resources by teaching them simple strategies.
This has a positive impact on the children's relationships.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the nursery.
The nursery leader and the provider work closely together to keep children safe. This provides a strong, secure system to identify and help those children who need extra help. All staff know their responsibilities to keep children safe from harm.
This includes all health, safety and welfare requirements. Leaders carry out checks on staff to ensure that they are safe to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to develop a deeper understanding of the overall curriculum intent so they can focus teaching more precisely when joining in with children's play.