Westend Night Owls Ltd

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About Westend Night Owls Ltd

Name Westend Night Owls Ltd
Address West End Primary School, West End Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5JP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements The provider has not ensured that leaders, who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the club, have the necessary skills and knowledge to promote good practice and meet all legal requirements. Risk assessments are not used effectively to ensure that the premises are safe and secure. Staff safeguarding knowledge is weak.

The provider has experienced difficulty in recruiting and retaining experienced staff since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the existing staff team do not receive sufficient support and training to help them to provide good quality care and experiences for children. For example, some staff are not co...nfident and skilled in supporting children's behaviour in a positive way.

Children, at times, do not follow their instructions. Staff do not consistently teach them about respect.That said, children play happily in the club.

Staff provide a range of activities, such as arts, crafts and games. Some children concentrate well, for example, when they carefully make a pattern with beads. Others listen to stories when experienced staff capture their interest by reading with enthusiasm.

Children are able to expend their energy after their school day while running and climbing in the large outdoor space. They tell the inspector that they have fun in the club and that they particularly enjoy decorating biscuits and playing on the computers.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has not received effective supervision, support and coaching to help her to understand her role and responsibilities.

This has led to weaknesses in practice and breaches to the early years foundation stage requirements. This has a significant impact on children's experiences. Children's safety and well-being is not fully assured.

Leaders have not considered the risk of children leaving unsupervised through an unlocked gate that leads to the car park, which was stood open at the time of inspection. This was overlooked by staff. Although some staff were present outdoors, this area, which some children pass through to access the garden, was not supervised.

Risk assessments are not effective. Leaders and staff fail to identify and manage dangers in the garden before allowing children to play outdoors. This includes broken sports equipment and a recently used fire pit.

This does not assure children's safety well enough and increases the risk of accidents.Staff do not supervise children adequately while they are eating. After meals have been served, staff concentrate on other tasks, such as clearing away and cleaning.

Children leave the table and go off to play while still eating, running with food in their mouths. Furthermore, staff do not prepare and cut up foods appropriately to reduce the risk of choking.Arrangements for staff support and supervision are not effective.

Staff have access to online courses, including about how to identify the signs of possible abuse and neglect. However, the manager does not check that staff have completed and understood it. Staff's weak knowledge and practice is not addressed, including their understanding of how to safeguard children and how to manage their behaviour.

On occasions when children are disruptive, for example when loudly chanting inappropriate words, staff do not manage their behaviour well enough. At such times, staff do not support children to develop positive attitudes and to learn right from wrong. Staff do not address the negative behaviours, but simply say 'stop it' and 'shush'.

As a result, children continue to disrupt the session.There are good links between the club and the school, where the club is located, that children attend. Staff find out about children's learning in school and provide activities that complement this.

For example, children practise their writing skills when they design tickets for a show they will perform in the 'theatre'. Staff share information with parents about their children's activities in the club.Children are offered fresh fruit and water during snack time.

Staff encourage them to wash their hands before eating. This helps children to develop good habits that support their good physical health.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

The provider has not ensured that policies and procedures to safeguard children are in line with guidance from local safeguarding partners, and that staff understand how to implement these. Leaders and staff have a weak understanding of some aspects of safeguarding. The manager, who has the lead role for safeguarding children, does not know what action she must take if there is an allegation against a member of staff.

Some staff's knowledge of the indicators of harm and abuse is poor. They are not clear about what they should do if they were concerned about a colleague's conduct or behaviour. Staff monitor children's use of the internet.

They teach them ways to stay safe online.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is not meeting requirements and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that policies and procedures to safeguard children are in line with guidance from local safeguarding partners and that all staff are trained to understand them 02/08/2023 ensure all staff understand what action to take and who to contact in the event of an allegation against a member of staff 02/08/2023 provide leaders and staff with the appropriate supervision, coaching and training to help them to understand their roles and responsibilities to offer consistently good quality care and experiences for children 02/08/2023 ensure that children cannot leave the premises unsupervised 02/08/2023 ensure that risk assessments are effective in identifying and managing risks and hazards to children and that these are fully understood and followed by staff 02/08/2023 ensure that children are adequately supervised, with particular regard to outdoor play and mealtimes 02/08/2023 provide all staff with the skills and knowledge to promote children's positive behaviour.


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